

2016 is almost over!  Can you believe it?  I feel like I say that every year but it seems like 2016 flew by in a blur of podcasts, conferences, road trips, work and play!  As I reflected back on my year I was struck by how much I learned from so many people, both professionally and personally.  I knew I wanted to share what I learned and what I am looking forward to in 2017…then I thought why not ask some of the best and brightest physical therapists to join me!  The result (as you will read below) is a veritable treasure trove of amazing advice and experiences from these wonderful ladies.  Let me take a moment and introduce you to the women in this final blog post of the year.  I have linked to their Twitter accounts so please consider following all of them as they all have big things happening in 2017!!

Dr. Susan Clinton: Co-owner and founder of Embody Physiotherapy and Wellness, LLC, top PT practice in PA (she won an award for this!), Elizabeth Noble Award winner for the Section on Women’s Health and kind & generous with her knowledge and time!

Dr. Secili DeStefano: Chair of the APTA Nominating Committee, #pelvicmafia PT, dynamite speaker, educator at George Mason University, scotch expert and my sister from another mother! She oozes positivity and love.

Dr. Sharon Dunn: President of the American Physical Therapy Association, top notch educator, Associate Professor at LSU and a great example of what leadership looks like.  Sharon truly leads by example and we are so lucky to have her!

Dr. Sandy Hilton: C0-owner and founder of Entropy Physiotherapy & Wellness, Director of Programming for the Section on Women’s Health, co-creator of the Women in PT Summit and my personal “hope dealer” and “Super SIM”.

Dee Kornetti, PT: President of the Home Health Section of the APTA, COO of Kornetti & Krafft Health Care Solutions, outspoken advocate for home health patients and PTs and has the best home health bag I have ever seen!

Erica Meloe, PT: Co-owner and founder of Velocity Physio, on the PR Committee of the Private Practice Section, co-creator of the Women in PT Summit, business savvy (she does have an MBA from NYU) and best of all my good friend and confidant!

Megan Roos, SPT: President of the Student Assembly for the APTA, soon to be #freshPT (she graduates in 2017), advocate and lobbyist for physical therapy initiatives and I have a feeling we will be seeing her in Sharon Dunn’s position one day!

Tracy Sher, PT: Owner & Clinical Director of Sher Pelvic health, founder of Pelvic Guru, faculty member of Pelvic Guru Academy, and she is changing the way PT and the public view pelvic health.  Ask her about the rubber toy chicken!

Dr. Emma Stokes: President of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, associate professor in physiotherapy & a fellow of Trinity College Dublin, advocate for women’s issues in healthcare, generous leader & an all around amazing person everyone should know!

Dr. Nicole Stout: Partner at 3e Services, cancer rehabilitation researcher, speaker, author, the true definition of a thought leader, advocate for girls and women in PT and wears a stiletto heel like no other PT in the biz!


What are you most proud of from 2016?


Dr. Secili DeStefano:

Most people would probably answer this with a laundry list like: I’m a big deal and here’s why. But, I’m not a big deal. I’m just like you and put my big girl panties on one leg at a time like you.

I have had significant loss and joy this year, a lot of firsts for me. My grandmother and dad died within a month of one another. I took a trip to the Olympics in Brazil that may have been one of the best trips in my life. I ran my first American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) slating meeting as Chair of the APTA Nominating Committee. I dressed up like Wonder Woman and spoke to approximately a thousand students for the first time ever in our No Death By PowerPoint Purpose talk. I had the honor of being on PTPintcast and being asked to share a meal with you and share a thought or two here.

I think the things that have distracted me and taken my time the last few months, that fall into the #livingthedream, while simultaneously #embracingthesuck bucket, allow me to be genuine and authentic on these questions.

I am most proud of my family and the values my children are displaying from the teaching and leading that we are intentionally trying to instill in them, especially the last few months through the adventure of Brazil and personal loss we have experienced.

We have been able to give them the experience of different cultures around the world, demonstration of compassion to others, and strength in the face of adversity. Watching them independently make good choices for themselves has given me the most pride.

Professionally, I’ve been really proud of some the opportunities I’ve taken to mentor early career PTs and PTAs. It’s refreshing to see that there’s a new crop of hard working, innovative and enthusiastic professionals coming into our craft with tools that have been created by my colleagues in recent history. These young PTs and PTAs are going to be able to take issues like those in men’s and women’s pelvic health to the next level and I’m so proud of being able to be a small part of the journey.

Dr. Sharon Dunn:

I am most proud of how APTA members have responded to our efforts to engage them in our work, from aligning with strategic initiatives and communications efforts, to our priority in enhancing partnerships and collaborative endeavors with our components. Members across all categories have stepped up to advance and promote the profession within their communities and their practices.   Just a few examples of these successful collaborations included:

  • our highest ever attendance at CSM in 2016, due to the strength of Section programming;
  • the breadth of the #ChoosePT message and anti-opioid epidemic campaign, as leveraged by Chapter and member involvement; and
  • passage of the 21st Century Cures Act which included locum tenens for PT and additional NIH funding for rehabilitation research, neither of which would have been possible without the combined efforts of the Private Practice and Research Sections.

This year has proven that our greatest strength lies within our members and when equipped to engage and respond, they can meet and exceed the demands of any challenge. When we work together, the whole is greater than the sum of our parts.   #BetterTogether is more than a hashtag, it’s a commitment from our APTA Board of Directors and staff leadership, and I’m thrilled that we are seeing these positive results of collaboration.

Dee Kornetti, PT:

I am proud that I represent the APTA’s Home Health Section as its current President. It is a great honor to be voted to serve in this role by section membership – my colleagues and peers. This opportunity has provided me introductions to many like-minded physical therapists and physical therapy assistants who are excited about stepping into leadership positions within their home health organizations. When I became an owner of a Medicare-certified Home Health agency, there were few of us . . . now, there are many physical therapists in management, leadership and ownership positions!

Dr. Karen Litzy:

I am most proud of the Women in PT Summit.  This was a day full of positive vibes, empowerment, inspiration and amplification of our voices.  I really did not know how the day was going to turn out but I knew we had an amazing group of people presenting and attending and that combination produced something really special.  On a personal note I learned so much about collaboration, trust and temawork working with Sandy Hilton and Erica Meloe to make that day a reality. 

Dr. Emma Stokes:

WCPT’s new strategic plan. WCPT carried out an unprecedented consultation in the preparation of our new strategy, receiving 3700 inputs from our member organizations, subgroups, networks, regions and individual PTs in the global community. Our plan is inclusive, ambitious exciting and includes the following outcomes: we will be a global community of physical therapists where all feel connected, we will be a community that has global influence brings about changes to health policy and practice; one that promotes that value of physical therapy. We will be an organization that shares knowledge and one that exemplifies best practice and governance.

Dr. Nicole Stout:

I am most proud of growing my business. This isn’t pride based on making more money or expanding my client list, but the pride comes from seeing my skill set transfer successfully into a completely different field and seeing clients increasing their demand for my insights and knowledge. The focus of my professional life has moved into data and information management and analytics. Being able to problem solve, analyze data and articulately describe operational changes based on outcomes is a highly relevant skill in any field!


What is one thing you learned in 2016 that changed your professional life? It could be a continuing education course, a podcast, a book, a conversation etc.


Dr. Susan Clinton:

Wow – there are so many things as I try to pay attention and learn at least one thing new every day – with that said – I think the most uncomfortable change for me this year was supported by so many professional conversations. I began to challenge my conformational biases of the underpinnings of manual therapy and really integrate my coaching skills with my clients. This has been an interesting challenge for me to step away from my usual practice patterns and to begin to explore some different avenues during exam and intervention.   Always, at the heart of my work has been the patient story, now I am spending more time coaching them to change their story and moving them into loading and strengthening much sooner.

Dr. Secili DeStefano:

Not sure if there was a course or conversation within my various hats, groups, jobs, roles, tribes or clubs that became a life changing event, but the ability to say “yes” to only the best yeses and “no” to other wonderful opportunities in order to keep a balance in my professional and private life was important this year. I chose to focus on a few items instead of many. This was a change for me. It is easy for me to get caught up in doing too much and agreeing to too much, which effects all the interests I have.

I read and listened to some good stuff.
Grit: it’s not always the most talented who achieve, but those who have passion and persevere.
Switch: how to make change when change is hard.
Extreme Ownership: For leaders, the humility to admit and own mistakes and develop a plan to overcome them is essential to success. The best leaders are not driven by ego or personal agendas. They are simply focused on the mission and how best to accomplish it.
Your podcast, PT Pintcast, and Tim Ferriss.
Took an outstanding course with Susan Clinton and had a Cabernet Conversation with Lorimer Moseley and friends thanks to Sandy Hilton and Sarah Haag.
I’m exploring excellence and mastery with several colleagues in venues such as #mamacapemafia, #ScotchMafia, coffee club, tribal living and swimming. Mentorship is bilateral and organic, meaning that it can’t be forced.

Everyday I learn from my patients and am truly honored to be apart of their journeys.

Personally, in 2016, I truly gained new insight into what makes physical therapy so important. When my father was in the hospital, struggling with his body shutting down; the thing that kept him alive was the prospect of being able to get up and get moving again so that he could be with his family.

It was amazing to see the difference one trip to the bathroom, a walk down the hall, one pair of compression hose or the ability to control his own body himself in any number of other ways, can make in helping people recover both mentally and emotionally.

I finally lost my father shortly before Thanksgiving. But, it made me realize that our time on earth is limited. What we do as physical therapists allows people to make the most of that time with the body they are given. There is no greater gift. We as PTs truly do improve the human experience.

Dr. Sharon Dunn:

In 2015, on the recommendation of my brother, I read Mark Batterson’s, The Circle Maker. What I learned in 2016 as a result of putting the core message of that book into practice is the power of bold, “God-sized” prayers. As a result my professional and personal life is changed because there is nothing I won’t pray about now; nothing is impossible or futile, too little or too big.

Dr. Sandy Hilton:

I had a series of conversations with a friend that helped me to redefine how I think about my personal and professional goals. We spoke of personal mission statements in “what is it that you stand for” conversations. We talked of having the courage of your convictions and the determination to boldly and kindly remain focused on being the person that you want to be. In a year of vast changes and organizational upheavals, these interactions are a treasure and have helped give me direction for 2017.

Erica Meloe, PT:

That fear is not a 4 letter word. When you actually visualize your fear(s) coming into being, it is not as bad as you think it is. I learned this from the Fear Cure by Lissa Rankin MD. Great book! Lesson: imagine and feel your fear happening to you, surrender to it and feel courage happening in its place.

Tracy Sher, PT:

I had a unique, close-up experience in 2016 to view how one health professional was able to reach masses of people globally and still have an individual impact. In fact, I saw people running up to her saying “you changed my life.” This significant impact transpired via online programs and social media connections. That was eye-opening and powerful. I thoroughly enjoy one-on-one patient care and don’t plan to give that up, but I realized that there are many ways to make a personal impact globally that go beyond the typical physical therapy “brick and mortar” practice. In fact, we have so much education and information to share with the world and we should leverage that any chance we can.

This prompted me to dig deeper in my learning to understand how to transform health communities individually and in groups on a scale beyond what I initially thought was ever possible.

During this same time period, a patient said to me one day “I’m mad at you.” Naturally, I was concerned. She went on to share “I am lucky that I live relatively close to you and I can travel and afford to see you. There are people all over the world who desperately need and want to hear what you have been telling me in this room, but they don’t have access to you. Why are you not actively doing more videos and reaching people online?” She’s right! I am taking this inspiration from 2016 and continuing to move the momentum forward to create opportunities to reach more health professionals and people in the global community. I am also on a mission to bring as many of my colleagues with me for the ride as we launch new versions of pelvicguru.com. Sending out a #pelvicmafia shout out!

Dr. Emma Stokes:

I have always believed in the need for and the value of a global physical therapy organisation. Never, for one minute, have I doubted it, from the first meeting I attended in 1998. But this year I was forced to be more explicit in my thinking. From many single conversations, listening, reading, reflecting and preparing for a keynote at the ER-WCPT Congress hosted by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, I was able to distill my thoughts. Here the are, not one thing but many but the whole is key

Quite simply, we are better together: Collaborative work, we try to hold both the strength and the challenges of diversity. There is power through global consensus

 Global understanding: a universal understanding through a 1000 single conversations: For influence & For learning 

 We can think & dream big

We belong, we are connected, we are scaffolding, we give identity

Dr. Nicole Stout:

I have learned that the physical therapy profession has a long way to go in gaining the esteem that we believe we deserve. In the world of oncology, where I spend most of my rehabilitation-focused time, our work is barely regarded as relevant. Even as we, as physical therapists, create and disseminate the evidence base to support our efficacy to the oncology population, rehabilitation and physical therapy have only progressed in the presence of a strong physician champion. The education that I’ve received this year, in real-time experiences, has been somewhat tough. We are often seen as insular and unable to see or contribute to the bigger picture in health care and medicine. The change this has brought about in me is that it has encouraged me to take on a different view of how we fit into the continuum of care to demonstrate our greatest impact to patients, rather than trying to be all things to all patients. Recognizing that function is greater than just what we offer in the mobility domain, I’m making greater efforts to understand the multifaceted nature of patient’s needs.


What is your number one piece of advice for DPT or PTA students for 2017?


Dr. Susan Clinton:

Find your web of support (both professional as well as personal) and begin cultivating mentors for yourself and your student circle. Build some student relationships across the lines of school within your region as you can learn much from each other as well as support each other as you grow into the profession. Getting involved does not mean you have to spend an inordinate amount of time away from your program, it can look as simple as sharing some important material from conferences, podcasts, district meetings or at a PT Pub night.

Dr. Secili DeStefano:

Do some self reflection.
A) Are you an experience junkie or a long term low risk planner? What’s your goal a year from now? 5 years? 10 years? How are you going to get there? Break up the goals into bite size chunks and small steps (lists) and it will become easier to achieve if you’re a long term planner. BUT, be flexible enough to be open to, as Andrew Guccione says, happy accidents and deviations from your plan. If you’re an experience junkie, know that and create and take opportunities that allow you to be your authentic self.
😎 Be open to organic (unplanned or forced) opportunities for mentoring, both giving and receiving.

Get some sleep.
Or, since I know you’re not going to that: Find moments of rest in the chaos. Some of the best ways I’ve learned things were through (sometimes really gross) jokes told among my colleagues, friends or family members while we took a break with some scotch and a game.

Said another way, Enjoy this time together, because those times will truly fuel you. And the people you share this time with will become what steadies you when the water gets a little rocky. These relationships can’t be forced, but occur naturally in open honest conversations and moments with people you trust, who support you and have your best interest in mind.

Dr. Sharon Dunn:

Get out of the classroom and books long enough this year to attend either a State Chapter or APTA National meeting and connect with other students, PTs and PTAs. These are opportunities to see what engaging with the association can do for your future. Introduce yourself to people you don’t already know and be sure to let them know you are a student.   Our colleagues are very excited about your career choice and our future and are happy to answer your questions and hear your thoughts about the profession.

Dr. Sandy Hilton:

Take a moment at the beginning of the year to write down your thoughts on: Three fundamental beliefs that are important to you personally and professionally.  Your primary goal or personal mission for the year.  Put this somewhere that you will SEE it.

Dee Kornetti, PT:

Become involved! Consider volunteerism and membership in your professional association, industry-specific and business development associations. You are entering the profession at a time when care delivery and payment methodologies changes are underway – involvement will assist you to become an informed and effective advocate for your patients and profession. It is a long-term investment in your chosen profession.

Dr. Karen Litzy:

Be an advocate!  This can take may forms and involve lots of different people.  You can be an advocate for your patients by treating them with respect, clearly communicating with them, their family/care takers and the rest of their healthcare team. You ca be an advocate for the profession of physical therapy by simply talking about what you do and why you love what you do.  Talk to your family, your friends, your colleagues, your community and your local, state and national legislators.  Talk about how physical therapists are there for you in times of pain, injury, surgery or accident.  We are also there for you when you are healthy and….we can help you stay healthy by teaching strategies for healthy living, exercise programs, work modifications and by being part of your healthcare team. 

Erica Meloe, PT:

Find your strength and figure out to integrate it within your practice. You will excel as a PT when you master your strengths.   Also, you MUST value continuing education. Not online, but in person, that’s how you master your clinical skills and develop relationships at the same time.

Megan Roos, SPT:

As a student, there are many competing interests for your time. The demands and expectations of physical therapy programs are high and we all feel pressure and stress in varying amounts over the two or three years in school. One thing that has helped me is getting involved in an extra-curricular but related interests. It seems counterintuitive to add more to your already heaping full plate, but I have found investing time in an outside activity gives perspective to your other efforts and improves time management. When you find this special interest you also gain a group of like-minded individuals that can help inspire and support you. For me, an interest in legislative advocacy grew to greater involvement within the APTA. Some great places to start looking are listening to podcasts, reading blogs, attending conferences, engaging with clinicians and other students at PT pub nights as well as considering opportunities available through the APTA, state and section components

Tracy Sher, PT:

There’s so much to share with students. It’s an exciting time. Here are some tips:

*Everyone has a pelvic floor. No matter what area of PT practice you go into, you will likely be working with someone who could benefit from a pelvic floor screening assessment, basic treatment including pelvic floor considerations, or a referral to someone who helps in that area. Please keep this in mind.

I use the example of a woman who fell and fractured her hip while racing to the bathroom due to urinary urgency and a concern about leaking. If the ortho, geriatric, or home health PTs only address the balance, hip strengthening, and functional mobility and do not address or ask about the underlying issue that caused her to rush and fall, the treatment and outcomes may only have a short-term effect. If she also receives education and treatment for urinary and pelvic floor issues, this patient would have a robust and much improved plan of care with long-term effects on outcome.

*You are in a truly exciting time with advances in technology and global impact. We learn more in PT or PTA school than most people in the community realize. We can make a huge impact. I’d recommend stepping outside of the PT world and doing interviews or lectures to all sorts of groups – businesses, churches, fitness venues, and more. You can utilize video channels, social media, and websites to make a much larger impact than we ever could before. I’m thrilled to see the new grads coming out with big hopes and dreams and I look forward to mentoring them and learning from them as well!

*Keep learning. Take courses backed by science and clinical reasoning. Find a mentor or five. Read books and articles. I read at least one research article or book a week and still find that there’s so much to learn. I highly recommend expanding your learning horizons to other areas of knowledge – marketing, business principles, motivational interviewing…the list goes on.


Do you have any big changes (professional or personal) planned for 2017?


Dr. Susan Clinton:

I am working on streamlining my activities to be better aligned with our business goals as well as my passion. Number one on my list is expanding community workshops/classes as well as professional courses at Embody Physiotherapy & Wellness with my partner, Becki Meehan. I am developing a course on Professional Burnout with Jessica Drummond and changing and expanding the Pregnancy course with Jessica McKinney and other Women’s health initiatives for NAIOMT along with Jessica Dorrington. I will be adding important information in the Pressure Course and creating an online version of the material as well as updating the Bowel course. I have also accepted a position on the advisory board for the Pelvic Guru. In addition to the focus on the business, speaking/teaching courses I am excited to continue my work as an inaugural BOD member of the Global Women’s Health Initiative. We are moving forward in the important step of creating our awareness campaign with Terry Benedict of the Shae foundation and I will be teaching manual therapy in the new curriculum for the first Masters of Physical Therapy program at the University of Mekelle in Ethiopia. Along with Tracy Spitznagle, Rebecca Stephenson and others, we will be educating the future educators of the program providing sustainable change for PT in Ethiopia.

Dr. Sandy Hilton:

In 2017 I will be a “Finsher of Things”. This is going to be a year of personal and professional growth starting with solid care of the fundamentals. I am going to better compartmentalize work, play and fitness so that there is time for each with more joy and less self induced frustration.   The 2017 professional development plan is already set and I am thrilled with the speakers coming to Entropy, and also my chances to travel and speak! I am giving myself the added gift of a cartooning class so that I can get the hilarity in my head out for the rest of the world to enjoy.

Megan Roos, SPT:

I will be entering the profession as a #freshPT in May! I have been looking forward to this for three years, since I got my acceptance letter from Pacific University’s DPT program offering me a place in the Class of 2017. I still have two internships and the NPTE in April, so it’s going to be a busy first half of the year but I am very happy to be at this stage. The transition from student to professional is exciting as well as challenging but I feel very well prepared and comfortable with the continual learning process. I also appreciate the efforts that the APTA has made to help with this transition such as Career Starter Dues. All I need now is a job!

Tracy Sher, PT:

I’ve also had a dream to promote the inspiring and fantastic work and mission of my colleagues. We really are stronger together. I now have that opportunity to spread their messages on a global scale. We’ve selected 15 members to serve on an advisory board for Pelvic Guru. This talented group consists of physical therapists, sexual health professionals, physician, counselors, and fitness professionals all working together to spread powerful messages in relation to pelvic health education. We want discussions about pelvic health to become commonplace without shame and improve access to services. I am very proud to lead that mission going into 2017!


Name one thing you are looking forward to in 2017 and why?


Dr. Secili DeStefano:

No Olympics in 2017…Already had a bunch of awesome conferences, trips to foreign countries, visiting friends and family. Hopefully 2017 will be more of the same goodness. I’m very much looking forward to the buds of the roses open in those I have mentored.

I am presenting the APTA slate at the House of Delegates in June, attending the World Congress on Pain Conference and speaking at APTA CSM twice. These should be fun endeavors.

I’m also looking forward to going further down the path of my own practice. I’ve been blessed that a large portion of my career has been spent working with the APTA and developing what’s next for PT. I’m also a professor at George Mason University and have enjoyed watching the growth of more than 200 students a year there.

Maybe 2017, will be also be the year I focus even more on the “lab” of my work. New horizons are always waiting to be reached, personally and professionally. I’m looking forward to the next horizon; and I believe with dedication to my patients, practice and clients, I can explore the horizons waiting for me there in the lab.

Dr. Sharon Dunn:

Our Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry (PTOR) makes its official debut in 2017. The launch of PTOR, with its potential to elevate our practice, benchmark outcomes, and finally provide sufficient data to demonstrate the effectiveness of PT in policy and payment circles, will be a significant achievement for APTA. Readers can learn more here: http://www.ptoutcomes.com/home.aspx

Dee Kornetti, PT:

I am looking forward to building relationships and networking within the APTA, its Home Health Section, and the post-acute care community. It is an exciting time to be a physical therapist or physical therapy assistant in the home health setting.

 Personally, I always look forward to the opportunity to share a cocktail and a laugh with my friends, family, and business partners – Sherry Teague and Cindy Krafft.

Dr. Karen Litzy:

I am looking forward to connecting with more amazing physical therapists and entrepreneurs throughout 2017!  I am also working through my fear of public speaking  (I have a podcast for a reason 😉) by speaking at the San Diego Pain Summit, CSM in San Antonio and the International Olympic Committee World Conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sport in Monaco.  We are also working on the Women in PT Summit 2017.

On a personal note, I will try harder to take care of myself so I can continue to care for others, let go of the fear of failure and start being comfortable with being uncomfortable at times and know that everything does not need to be perfect to be introduced to the world!

Erica Meloe, PT:

The ability to be me and follow my heart. I think we tend to get caught up in other people’s stories and lose sight of what our real purpose is. When that happens we are not authentic, we focus on things that do not matter and we lose sight of our desire and goals.

Megan Roos, SPT:

I have been very interested in policy and advocacy in my time as a student, mostly on the local level in the state of Oregon. At the beginning of December, the new Student Assembly Board of Directors attended orientation in Alexandria, Virginia and we had a few hours on Sunday to walk around Washington D.C. This was my first visit and a great preview to an event that I am very much looking forward to, Federal Advocacy Forum at the end of March. Last year quite a few students attended and we are hoping to have another great turnout this year! This is a wonderful venue for students to learn from experienced professionals about advocacy and federal legislation effecting our practice.

Dr. Emma Stokes:

I am looking forward to the WCPT Congress in Cape Town, 2-4 July 2017 where the world of physical therapy will meet. Why? Because we will meet, we will connect, we will share, we will talk, we will laugh, we will dine, we will create lasting friendships and because of that we will become better. 

 Dr. Nicole Stout:

In 2017 my personal focus is going to be on contentment. We are so frequently wanting more, seeking out more things to do and to take on that are supposedly additive to our lives but end up drawing our happiness and satisfaction lower rather than raising it up. I have started to question how much more I really need; not just things but activities, projects etc. Contentment doesn’t mean stagnating or staying complacent, it means finding satisfaction and fulfillment in what I do and not just taking on something because “I can”. I am beyond needing to prove myself. For 2017 I am looking forward to deepening my focus into the things that I know bring me the greatest contentment and taking on new work that will enhance my contentment rather than doing more for the sake of chasing a lot of stuff that doesn’t make me very satisfied.

How great was that!  A huge thank you to all of the PTs in this blog post for their time and wisdom.  And thank you, the supporters of Healthy Wealthy & Smart, for helping to spread the word about physical therapy, health, wellness and entrepreneurship.  I appreciate your support and am thrilled that you take time time out of your week to listen to a podcast or read a blog post.  I am humbled and honored to be a small part of your life!

Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and healthy 2017!!



PS you can find me on Twitter here!

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