On this episode of the Healthy, Wealthy and Smart Podcast, I welcome Dolores Hirschmann. Dolores is a STRATEGIST & COACH. She helps clients clarify their “idea worth sharing”, design their communication strategies, and implement business growth systems.

In this episode, we discuss:

– THE IDEA OF YOU: A Framework for Clarity of Self

– Clarity of life purpose

– Clarity of who you are as a leader

– Clarity around how to set goals and set yourself up to achieve those goals

– Her work as a TEDx organizer and how you can get on that stage

– And so much more!


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“Stand Out the TED Way: Be Seen & Grow Your Business” eBook Download https://doloreshirschmann.simplero.com/bc

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For more information about Dolores:

Dolores is a STRATEGIST & COACH. She helps clients clarify their “idea worth sharing”, design their communication strategies, and implement business growth systems. Her clients become speakers and authors and take their message to larger audiences like TEDx and beyond. She works through group coaching, workshops, one on one coaching, as well as public speaking. Dolores is a writer, TEDx Organizer, and participant in TED conferences. She is a CTI certified and ICF accredited coach and has a business degree from the Universidad de San Andres, Argentina. Originally from Buenos Aires, Dolores speaks fluent Spanish, English, and French and lives in Dartmouth, MA with her husband and four children.


Read the full transcript below:


Karen:                          00:00                Yeah. Hi Delores, welcome to the podcast. I’m happy to have you on.

Dolores:                       00:05                I am so excited to be chatting with you today.

Karen:                          00:08                And now in your bio, like I read, you’re a tedx organizer. You help support speakers on the TEDX stage. So can you elaborate a little bit more about that? Cause I know a lot of my listeners would love to one day be on a ted or a tedx stage.

Dolores:                       00:23                Yes, absolutely. I mean at the core of my work is my passion for ideas and because of that I, I I pursued as a volunteer. I pursued the TEDX platform. If you wand as a tedx organizer and in doing so I really connected with something that I love to do, which is help people clarify. And I know we’re going to talk a little bit about this today, but you know, clarity comes in two ways. First is an internal clarity and then annex I communications clarity. When you bring yourself out into the world, which is what speakers do day in and day out, right? They bring out their messages. And so what I do with speakers today in my work, I held them in both guide, find the message Clive, find the overall communication strategy so that they can actually engage their audiences and kind of moved on.

Dolores:                       01:16                You love their other movement or their, their impact. Right. And so that’s on the, on the strategy side. But on the tactical side along the speakers just are not getting out there often enough simply because they just don’t have time to pitch and to put themselves out there. And being in front of organizers and event planners. So with, in my company, in the agency side of my company, we actually have two services. One is where we actually research and pitch of peoples we have for them to speak in virtual and live events. And another one specifically signed four stages that are a little bit more harder to get in. It could be a telex, it could be, you know, some of the newer stages are coming up that are more inspirational or more kind of the idea based stages versus more the pitching stages. Um, and so what we’ll do is we’ll help the speaker life other core idea, clarify the positioning so that they can send out in the selection process and then help them with the research and the application process until they get selected. And that’s something that I, you know, we do it for very specific clients whose message is ready for that kind of platform.

Karen:                          02:32                Okay. So let’s talk about getting this clarity around ourselves as a speaker because you had mentioned that a couple times, you know, getting clarity on who you are on your idea and, and even on where you want your idea to be, right? Because not every stage is right for every person. So let’s talk about that clarity. Let’s first talk about how to get clear on yourself.

Dolores:                       02:58                Yes. So one of the things I am involved into, and I haven’t, I realized that all my life, whether I was aware of it or not, I have been kind of this puzzle maker. Right? You know, what once as we started evolving and developing ourselves and becoming more self aware, I mean, especially when I did my coaching training, um, a lot of my internal introspection was about what is it that I bring to this world? Like we all have unique brilliances who all have that thing that we do well. Um, and for me that is that p being a puzzle maker. But to make a puzzle, you first have to have puzzle pieces. What I mean by that is we are always kind of lumping all of ourselves together in a tight box. And so when we’re in that place is very difficult for us to really get to know ourselves because we are kind of mishmash with what has happened today.

Dolores:                       04:02                The pain we had 50 years ago, um, and what we think we want to do, right? It’s all kind of all mixed. And in order to make a puzzle, again, you need to pull out the puzzle pieces. So one of the things that I consistently do is create frameworks to break things apart so that we can build them back together. And so this framework, I, there’s a friend where I designed called the idea of view and all it is really ease, deconstructing the different parts of who we are and the different kind of what I call layers of clarity that we can access so that when we actually pull them apart and look at it layer by layer, we can have a much more comprehensive picture of who we are. And in doing so, we can better assess where we’re going. Does that make any sense?

Karen:                          04:52                It does. It does. And would you mind giving us a, an example of maybe an exercise within this idea of you like a deconstruction exercise?

Dolores:                       05:04                Yeah. And so let me just run you through the layers first. Okay. Uh, and then we’ll hop into one or two exercises here that will help you better understand what I mean. So in the idea of you, and you know, I, I can send you some images later. It’s, it’s all about mmm. Getting Cody from the inside out so that at the core we begin with terrifying the you and, and, and he’s, I say the idea of you because I believe that each one of us was born in purpose and for a purpose that we’re kind of a seat of a, of a something, right? And so at the core of this exploration is what is your life purpose? Now this is a really big question and the question that has been around for many years, but I’ll buy that today. It’s kind of very heavy in, in making the decisions of our career paths and where we want to go, right?

Dolores:                       06:00                And so I posted not as exactly the word we’re going to do, but simply the who we are at our core, independent what we do. And so one way to do this is to think of yourself as a metaphor. Now you do this exercise. Please don’t go and knock on your neighbor’s door and let them know what metaphor you are because they’re going to look at you like you’re crazy. But when I did this exercise myself, I came up with my own personal life purpose statement, which is going to sound grandiose and he should sound round you dos because it’s a lifelong purpose, right? And for me is I am the light that brings clarity. Clarity is at the core of who I am, independent of any activity or job that I’m holding. You see the difference. It’s something that I can help a being.

Dolores:                       06:56                I am attracted to like that lump of puzzle pieces because I like sorting them out and making a new picture. That’s what I am in all aspects of my life. I’ve been like the cloudy maker for family situations, for job situations, for ideas, for for four speakers talks. I always bring that element right? So we begin with that and then we go and transition into identify what are our values and when I talk about values, I talk about what are the top things in your life that when you don’t have them or you’re not honoring them in your life, you just feel off. For example, I am, I have a big value on adventure. And when I was doing this work for myself at the time I was a young, youngish mother of four children. And you can say that having four children is an adventure in itself, but when you’re in it, diaper in diaper a how day in, day out, it doesn’t feel like an adventure.

Dolores:                       08:01                It really starts looking like a very big routine after routine. Like it just doesn’t feel exciting. And I, and I met some people might or might not agree with me, but that was my experience. And so when I recognize that adventure was a very big part of who I am and that not honoring my sense of adventure was kind of bringing me down, just that knowledge made me ask myself, okay, what can I do to fulfill that need of adventure? And you know, here’s the thing Karen, is that tell us a shifts and changes can be very subtle. They don’t need to be like moved to Africa. You know, it just do. Okay. Then I will just make time every week and maybe an hour a week to learn something new or to meet someone new or to explore a new place, even if it’s just a new supermarket where I’ll do food shopping.

Dolores:                       08:54                Right? But, um, but it’s just understanding what is it that is then that makes you tick and making sure that those values are being honored in your life. Then we go to understand your unique brilliance. What is it that you would excel, add in a natural way that you are, that you love doing. You never get tired of doing it and that, um, and then you always bring value. And what happens is again, when we are not connected with who we are, we sometimes unconsciously move away from that. That comes easy. Sometimes it’s, I believe that work must be hard. So I might as well put that grit to it and we, and we discard maybe opportunities that might come our way that our land with our unique buildings because it feels too easy. So therefore I’m probably not regulated. Right? Right. And then, and then we explore another ring of clarity, another layer of clarity.

Dolores:                       09:59                Quiches and this might be a great exercise for, for me to pause for a minute, but it’s a ring of clarity of how do we define your life’s work. Now, if you remember when I talked about life purpose, I talked about purpose of your sole purpose of who you are. Who doesn’t mean that he defines the work that you do? A lot of people are trying to like calm, packed your job with your life purpose. And you know, there’s a, there’s a, there’s another step in between and that is a step of your life’s work. And why is it important? Because you have to translate your life purpose into as something that the world needs. Because, because even nobody needs your life purpose as it states in its true form. Um, then you might be both frustrated entrepreneur if you launch yourself into, like for example, when I first started, I just wanted to bring clarity to everybody and he was like, I wasn’t getting anywhere, right?

Dolores:                       11:05                Was, it was a very broad, esoteric value proposition that everybody liked it. I mean, I remember people saying, I really like you. I like when you say I put your ride. I just not sure how I can benefit from you. Um, and that’s really great feedback to get right because it’s like you’re casting the net a bit too wide, way too wide. And I, and I see this a lot in the newly, you know, new business owners, entrepreneurs, we’re following their passion. And again, it’s not about that they’re wrong, it’s about they just need one more step. And this step is the lives we’re defining your life’s work. And here’s a little exercise that we can share with your audience. And it’s redundant. You have a venn diagram and you have four circles. What is your life purpose? Right? Just in that way of stating it broadly and grandiose, you know that people will look at you funny to share it in the subway.

Dolores:                       12:03                And then the other circle there would be what people will pay for Nike nearly researching what will people, what do people pay for people pay for photographers, for weddings be both paid for accountants. People fave for a strategy for business growth. Like those are real things that other people are salad. Then another circle in this, in this damn, I’m would be, what are you trained to do? Like what are, what is your academic background and your past job experience, bathroom. Why? Because you don’t want to just hop on a wagon and say, I’m going to do this because I love doing it, but no real credibility or kind of credentials.

Karen:                          12:51                Exactly. It’d be like me saying, you know, I’m really good with numbers, so I’m going to be an accountant to be a physical therapist. Yeah. No one’s gonna pay me for that. They’ll think I’m crazy. Exactly. Exactly. Because you know, it’s, there’s something to be said about

Dolores:                       13:07                some credentials. Um, um, and so, so really make a list of whether you were wrong and choosing your career path, our certifications you received. I would challenge that and look at what they can still bring you to life right now. Like, even if you’re a doctor and you don’t want to be a doctor anymore, that doctoral degree will go a long way to validating what you know and then putting into some, some other kind of surveys. Right. Absolutely. And then the last one is, so we have life purpose, what people will pay for what you have experience, job or, or academic. Um, and the last one is what does the world need? Or what does the world need more off? So when you do those four kind of circles and maybe do a little less in the middle, what you then looking at is what are the common denominators?

Dolores:                       14:07                Where do all these four circles come together? So for me, you know, clarity is what my brain, right? And people pay for business strategy. People go for communication strategy. People pay for, uh, you know, maybe speaking people who pay for growing their business. My academic background, which at the time I was in school, I was kind of resenting it because I wasn’t excited about it. Every day. I remember my mom would say, okay, you don’t like what you’re doing. Do you have any other ID? And I would say no. Then she would say, then finish what you started. Best Advice I ever got. Um, like stay on. I get that degree. Even if you have to like, you know, put a little bit of effort to it. Just get that done. So going to business school, I have to say 20 years later going to business school was the best decision I made at 18, even if I did 11, because he gave me the tools to narrow down my business and to be our business strategist. And so, so that’s where my academic and what does the world need more off the world needs more ideas that can have a positive impact in the world. And the truth is, in my work and masters in clarity, we stand behind those ideas, typically in the hands of service entrepreneurs who have new methodologies, new perspective, new angles or new ways to helping their market or the world.

Dolores:                       15:40                And that’s that. Um, so as far as you know, that exercise is, is really helping you narrow down of how to you become off service in this world with your life purpose in a way that can be financially, not just financially sustainable, but can I might say financially abundant.

Karen:                          16:03                Right. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Dolores:                       16:05                How old is all right with that? Because the more abundant you are, the more you can do the work you’re called to do, the more the world’s will benefit.

Karen:                          16:15                Absolutely. And I really love the, that sort of venn diagram of those categories. So I’m going to just repeat them and I want you to let me know if I got them right. So, um, what is your life’s purpose then? That’s a big grandiose statement that’s supposed to be grandiose. Uh, what will someone pay you for? What does the world need more of and essentially what are your credentials? That right. I think that four parts. Exactly. Okay, great. Great. Great. Yeah. And, and I think if, if you can really sit with those questions, cause I don’t think it’s something that’s not answered in five minutes, right. Syntheses questions. And how do you, and, and, and I dunno if there’s a straightforward answer to this, but how do you know what your life purpose is? Because you know, sometimes when people hear that they’re like, whatever.

Dolores:                       17:14                Yeah. So here’s a couple of ways to do it. MMM. You can sync off and moment in your life where you felt completely, um, completely valued and completely, um, like you were, you were at critical element of a situation where we’re maybe without you playing whatever role you were playing, maybe outcome would have been very different or not positive in one way or another. That’s one way to ask yourselves and start asking, you know, some days is, is asking you as a, what roles have I played most of my life? What do people know me for? What do people say about me? Um, and I, and I did that exercise and I asked my, the people in my life, my food, my mother and my friends. And, um, and you know, a lot of people would say things like, well, I would always call for you to you is I was needing to make a decision. I was the go to person for decision makers. Um, it’s funny, I’m actually posting a blog on, on that, on this particular topic this week, um, because I’m helping my daughter made college decision right now. Um, so it’s just really going inside and also go into your inner circle asking how do I bring value? What, what is it that the role that I play that I’m somehow always falling into that role in any kind of social or professional environment.

Karen:                          18:59                Yeah, that’s great. And I think that’ll give the listeners a little bit something more to think about when they’re trying to kind of discover what their life purpose is because I know I find that to be a bit difficult as well and I’m sure I’m not alone in that.

Dolores:                       19:15                Yeah. Yeah. It’s, it’s, it’s, it’s one of the things that can always include us. Um, but my experience is that it did for many years until I came up with that, with that metaphor that I’m the lie the breeze clarity and sometimes I want to challenge people because we try to make this life purpose statement very complex or very sophisticated and symptoms is so simple that we rejected for its simplicity.

Karen:                          19:52                That’s true cause because we think it needs to be so over the top. Amazing. When in fact some simple as smart, right?

Dolores:                       20:01                Yeah. Yeah. And any, maybe it’s simple bod grandiose and so are our cultural belief system that who are we to believe that we can be that good comes into play and also mucks things up.

Karen:                          20:17                Yeah. That self doubt and lack of self compassion for, uh, for ourselves can kind of derail us every time. Right?

Dolores:                       20:27                Absolutely. And I think, you know, I mean this is just my perspective and I, if I might share it, I think that I really believed that each one of us in the world, not just me, all of us are here in person for a purpose. We were a gift and that that grandiose side is actually bigger than us. Um, we’re just here. I, I believe to do a job that we’re called to do within a universe that is much bigger than us. So to reject our brilliance is a, it’s a, it’s to reject that gift of who we are.

Karen:                          21:08                Yeah. I love that. Thank you for saying that. And now let’s say we kind of have this clarity of life purpose. We have more clarity around who we are as a leader. What do we do then? What’s the next step? How do we then

Dolores:                       21:26                goals? Yeah, so there’s a couple more layers that, um, that will take your right there. So then the next layer would be clarifying how you interact with the world. And for that you have a lot of online assessments. There’s one that is free that I love is basic, but it works. It’s called 16 personalities. Got Home. It’s based on Myers Briggs. You have finder and Colby and um, uh, an agreement like this, a lot of assessments out there, but those are really great and those are fun. And you learn more about how the world perceives you because that’s important as well. And then, and then, and then we put all this to work. How would we do to work? Two more steps or internal one is we, and maybe I, I’m happy to do this for you and maybe the lessons will love this is um, identify and bring forth your internal leader and that is the highest voice.

Dolores:                       22:26                We have voices in our head just for all of you are there. Yes, I do have voices in my head and there’s nothing wrong with me. And we typically have most of the judgmental whiny voice that says that we’re not enough. That’s usually the loudest, but when we tap into our internal leader or captain that voice, then we can start kind of all of those not so happy or positive voices. So tapping no leader is an great um, resource because it will be that voice of reason that says to me, the Lord is slow down. Think about what you’re going to say. Like you got this, uh, yes, it’s hard, but you know, keep them going. That kind of positive reinforcement. And then the other part of this kind of clarity is understanding again in the same line, what is that conversation in your head and how many times a day you’re going into victim mode, things are happening to you versus I got this, this is hard, but this is happening for me.

Dolores:                       23:34                Right? And, and so that, that kind of wraps up the clary layers and the mindset layers. And then I think this is what you were alluding. It’s like, okay, now what we do, right, right. Was parts one is the exercise of goal setting. How do we set goals that are honoring our values, our purpose, our internal leader? And from a positive mindset or victory mindset perspective. So how do we set goals from that? And our goal setting is not mixed science is they have to be smart, specific, measurable, attainable, um, timely. Um, and uh, and they have to be a stretch from where you are. But nod, I want to lose a hundred pounds in a month, right? Setting yourself up for failure. And so the goals are the big kind of gps as well. We’re going lag. You can have a goal for each part of your life or only the parts of your life that need attention right now and is a great exercise with that.

Dolores:                       24:44                It’s called a wheel of life. A lot of, uh, you can probably find that online is it breaks your life into different kind of sections like a pie. And he helps you really assess from one to 10, one being this is not working really well, 10 being I’m rocking aid and from one to 10 and tried to understand which part of the life is not doing so well and so that he can focus on that. And then at the end of the day, Karen, all this is wonderful, but that transformation and our true selves as leaders only comes to shine in the details of every day. And that’s why I talk about habits all success. So at the end of the day, how we wake up in the morning, how we brush our teeth, how we get dressed, how we make our bed. And yes, making your bed is part of [inaudible] leadership and what we eat, how we greet the post man, how we say hi to our coworkers. Those are the tiny details of our day that honestly make our big life. Okay.

Karen:                          25:56                And you, you, you’re about that. The making the bed thing all the time. And I started doing that a couple of years ago and I remember someone asked, why, why do you make your bed? I’m like, cause then I feel like I start out my day with a little wind.

Dolores:                       26:10                Yes. I actually, one day I may have, I’ve always made my bed. I was raised that way and it was actually bothered me not to, I think at some point I was, you know, this, this balance. And at some point I was so, so kind of one, I was wound, wound very tied when the kids were little. And I remember having a coach who said, I challenge you not to make any bad this week. So I actually had to not make that because it was becoming a burden to me. But years later, my sister, teen 16

Karen:                          26:44                year old, oldest son, um, started making his bed and I hadn’t said a word and I noticed it and he said, yes ma’am, I read this book and he gave me the book. And it’s a book that I recommend always. He had read this book called the power of habit from child. I don’t know if you’ve read it and I, it’s, for me, it’s an amazing book and everywhere. And that book taught my 16 year old back then to make us better. Oh, how wonderful. Charles Duhigg would be so proud.

Dolores:                       27:15                I was going to say, maybe I should send a note that he accomplish almost impossible.

Karen:                          27:20                I ain’t got it. He had a teenage boy to make it better. Exactly. Yeah. That’s amazing. Yeah. And then how, so, you know, you work with your clients and they’ve gone through all of these steps and then how do you, how do they then say or decide kind of where did it go from there? Right. So let’s say someone’s already a leader and they want to do a Ted talk. Somebody wants to do a Tedx talk. Right. Which are probably a lot of people listening to this podcast. So they go through all this. They have a good clarity of self, an idea of self, what’s the Prac, what do you do, how do you do that?

Dolores:                       28:06                So is a good question. So actually if someone comes straight, like let’s say I didn’t have work with me and they come to me just to do a talk, I will go through the process even though it might feel not linear. That is good to do with my talk because especially in the life purpose because with a talk like a Tedx talk on the of the talk is an idea that can have a positive impact in the world and that is right in the line of what we were just talking about. Your life purpose and your life’s work. And so what I do is I bring that conversation APP and say, okay, this is your life purpose. Great. Your idea is kind of the cousin of your life purpose because it is an actionable version of your life progress. For example, for me, if I were to do a talk, it would be about how cloudy frameworks can help entrepreneurs realize their impact.

Dolores:                       29:10                So my life purpose is clarity, but for the idea is the concept of clarity for frameworks as a tool for the purpose of serve as entrepreneurs realizing their impact. I’m just kind of very specific. So what we do is we tap into who the speaker is, what is it that they’ve always known about themselves, what is it that they’ve always longed to do or accomplish in this world? And then we explore about on the work they do, because here’s the thing, can everybody comes to me and says, I want to give a talk. And I say, okay, what’s, what’s your core idea? What do you want to share? And they go on and say, well, let me tell you about my work. And it’s on and off for like 30 minutes. Right? And and when you’re pitching to any stage, but specifically at Tedx stage, the organize who will ask you one question and he’s like, can you tell me your idea in one short sentence? And most people can. So that’s why the life purpose, um, and a framework that I teach for, for stating your core idea come together to create this one line idea statements that then the top will be based on.

Karen:                          30:22                Got It. Thank you for that. Cause I think that’s a big point of clarity, if you will, for people who might be thinking about pitching themselves to do a big talk somewhere that you should be really be able to state the purpose of your talk, like you said in one sentence, succinctly and but with the punch, right?

Dolores:                       30:46                Yeah. Yeah. But here’s the thing is not, you know, they get caught up in this sexiness of it. Yeah. And they lose the practicality of it. So it depends the market. If you are looking to stand out in your market so that people will hire you, I would say lose a sexy gained the clarity. If you’re looking to send out in an application to be speaking, then the stress, the, the to stress, the takeaway with the audience will get and the uniqueness of your process.

Karen:                          31:27                Great. So it really depends who you’re talking to him. Sure, sure. Because in the end, especially if you’re talking about a Tedx talk, it’s all about what, like you said, it’s all about the audience, not about you, not you.

Dolores:                       31:40                No, no, and I actually have had, you know, I love the work of the Tedx or the speaking if you want. What I love about it is that

Dolores:                       31:53                people come to get that Karen, right? Like that kind of thing that they want the tedx stage or whatever stage and what they gads when they do this work of clarity is they get a Vishen so much bigger than they had before. I had a client what a multi multimillion dollars coaching program, a company, very successful is 16 years in business. And she did the work to get on that stage. And because of that work, she completely rebranded her company after 16 years, change the name because she realized that what the core idea of her work and the essence of our work was so much bigger than the brandy she of created for her company. And she was, she was kind of, she was feeling that the company was a little stale because she had reached the boundary, the box she had made for herself.

Karen:                          32:52                Yeah. Oh my gosh. That has me thinking so much. It really does. And I think, you know, often times people get caught up in themselves instead of in the idea. And I think that can derail you.

Dolores:                       33:09                It is, it is kind of a process then without knowing you’ll fall in love again with your work. Awesome.

Karen:                          33:18                Well, that just sounds amazing and I think you gave such great tips and, and really kind of got into the work that you do with, with uh, entrepreneurs and, and possible speakers and a executives. So thank you for sharing all of that with us. Is there anything that we missed or things that you want the listeners to really take away?

Dolores:                       33:43                Um, I think that whatever you are doing, whatever situation you are in your life right now, just checking and understand where you stand. Don’t make decisions from what other people say unless you also include your higher voice in the conversation.

Karen:                          34:08                Excellent. I love that advice. And then I have one last question and it is again, another piece of advice and it’s the question I asked everyone and that is knowing where you are now and your life in your career, what advice would you give to that? You know, fresh face Gal right out of college?

Dolores:                       34:26                Well I, I, I would say to her, stay in this state of wonder. Trust your gut and yourself and it’s okay. Life is not linear.

Karen:                          34:41                Awesome. And where can people find you if they want more info or if they have any questions,

Dolores:                       34:49                they can come to masters in clarity.com and right on the main home page you’ll have a big orange button that says free resources and you can find different resources that you can download for free and start getting the clarity unique.

Karen:                          35:07                Awesome. And then just so the listeners know, we’ll have all of these links will be up on our website at podcast out healthy, wealthy, smart.com and that Dolores also has a free gift. Stand up the Ted way, be seen and grow your business ebook downloads. So we will also have that on the podcast page under this episode as well. So thank you for that and thank you for coming on today. This was great.

Dolores:                       35:34                Thank you so much for having me. I had a lot of fun

Karen:                          35:37                and everyone who’s out there listening, thanks so much. Have a great couple of days and stay healthy, wealthy, and smart.


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