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On this episode of the Healthy, Wealthy and Smart Podcast, I welcome Dr. Sarah Smith, PT, DPT to discuss how women can cultivate their core confidence. Dr. Sara Smith specializes in assisting female leaders, healers & creatives re-activate their Core Confidence. Specifically, women who wear many hats and desire to leave a legacy with less burnout and greater personal joy.

In this episode, we discuss:

-How women focus attention on external approval and achievements/external successes.

-Why we need to be connected, aware and in tune with our pelvis.

-Messages the pelvis (and body) may be giving us that we are missing

-Core Confidence-what it is. why it is so important

-How does reducing urgency in daily life payoff- how the mental affects the physical body.

-How mental and spiritual Core Confidence and awareness of our Core can affect physical core strength.


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Activate Your Core Confidence Workbook




Discover Your Joy Coaching Session w/ Dr. Sarah




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More Information about Dr. Smith:

Sara Smith Dr. Sara Smith specializes in assisting female leaders, healers & creatives re-activate their Core Confidence. Specifically women who wear many hats and desire to leave a legacy with less burnout and greater personal joy.

Her unique approach focuses on connecting women back to their Core which holds authenticity, choice and immediate solutions so one can thrive both personally and professionally in all life situations.

This activation is vital so that women leading their families, communities and companies can stay fully present in all situations in order to

  • Communicate & interact authentically and calmly
  • Finally feel their private life & success matches their professional success with greater freedom, confidence, peace, focus and direction.
  • Flow through daily tasks and commitments with more focus, ease and an organized plan
  • Improve physical strength & major health gains
  • Live Wild & Bright- meaning! connected to our true, authentic, soul calling

She has blended her professional expertise as a Doctor of Physical Therapy- specializing in Women’s Health and Chronic Pain Management, Certified Yoga Instructor & Certified Wellness & Life Coach. With every personal & group experience Dr. Sara Smith offers, she is dedicated to the goal of assisting women of all ages to step back into their Core Confidence.

Read the Full Transcript below:

Speaker 1 (00:01





Hey, Sarah, welcome to the podcast. I’m happy to have you on,

Speaker 2 (00:04





Thank you so much for having me, dr. Litzy. It’s glad to be here.

Speaker 1 (00:08





Yeah. And so obviously I’m a physical therapist as are you, you have specialized in pelvic health and women’s health, and then you have also kind of made that transition for at least part of your career into coaching, mainly other women from around the world. So before we get into the meat of the interview, I would love for you to share with the audience a little bit about your sort of career trajectory.

Speaker 2 (00:40





Absolutely. Yes. So it’s a, it’s a little professional and it’s a little personal, so it’s the story tends to track with a little bit of both. I also went and got my yoga certification and that was actually the first thing that I did after physical therapy, you know, from, from physical therapy. A lot of that came because you know, in our profession we have a high turnaround and burnout ratio there at times. And I was a chronic fixer and helper and I was good at what I was doing to the point where I, you know, anybody came in and I was ready to, you know, help them with their issue. And so I went to my first yoga class, really just to chill myself out, get a little bit grounded and get, get real. And then from there it really almost overnight, it, it drastically shifted the way I was showing up and treating my patients at the time.

Speaker 2 (01:42





I realized that kind of less was more, I realized that it was more important for me to listen instead of coming in with a plan and, you know, my own action sheet and really meeting people where, where we were, I think I was always empathetic, but it, it really enhanced that. And on top of that, I stopped getting sick. I was averaging, you know, a sinus infection once a month and just burned out already and young because I didn’t want to, you know, you didn’t want to fail having that syndrome. So really yoga kind of came first and then that solidified me for a while. I kept into the physical therapy world. I’ve always lived in rural areas in Virginia and I was on the Eastern shore of Virginia and I’m an only child. So I do like to be the only one doing something I like to be a little special.

Speaker 2 (02:40





And, and so I realized nobody in the area was doing pelvic floor work. I had in all of my internships had some sort of connection to pelvic floor and women’s health work. So I, I learned about it. I kind of knew about it. I didn’t know if that was something that I wanted to get into. But I knew that it was a niche in the area that I was in. And so it was when I got into pelvic floor physical therapy work that I really professionally started to see this and, and chronic pain management has always been something that I just love helping people that have been to lots of therapists, physical therapists, and in there need assistance with that. But I was just seeing this mind body connection. I was seeing how with all of these individuals, and for some reason, I just happened to be working with a lot of leaders, professionals, directors, CEOs, you know, it just was kind of happening that way.

Speaker 2 (03:41





Even some like rockstars lawyers, I don’t know, Olympic swimmers, all these different people and stress was also happening mentally. You know, there were things going on either in their personal life or their professional life. That just seemed to be kind of also coming into what I was noticing in their physical body. So I was learning about it personally and just my own interest. And then I also was seeing it professionally and I was seeing when I started incorporating some of the yoga, you know, some of the mindfulness based practices and stress management breathing that I was getting better results. And I just am a result junkie. You know, I’m not interested in putting a patch on something. I want somebody to come back to me six or seven or 10 years later and be like, I’m still using what you did. So there was that.

Speaker 2 (04:34





And then on top of that what I got into pelvic floor therapy, my started having children and my, our, our first child who’s now seven was we found out at a very young age that he had an ultra rare genetic mutation. So it was de Novo. It wasn’t for my husband or myself and severe speech apraxia. So I started getting, you know, deep into the world of executive functioning and,ureally learning more and more about kind of, I always loved the nervous system, but, you know, I became even more fascinated with how to manage that,uand, and work with it. And so that, those two things kind of happening simultaneously are what brought me into, into coaching. Umnd specifically working with female leaders, hecause that, I don’t know, that’s just like a deep within personal mission is I feel like women are here to make a major contribution.

Speaker 2 (05:42





I feel like the time, the time is ripe, the time is now. But we’ve learned and write in it in a great way. We’ve learned from a very male dominated structure,uwhich doesn’t always work for women. And,uit can, it definitely works. It’s not that it’s, you know, not working, but there, there are some things that need to slightly shift and,uI’m just, I really want to be able to contribute to women, being able to be in these leadership roles and do it without as much burnout do it without as much self-sacrificing,ufamily sacrificing community sacrificing. Uso yeah.

Speaker 1 (06:32





Awesome. Well, thanks for that. Thanks for kind of letting the listeners get a little bit deeper into kind of who you are and why you do what you do, because it all leads into our discussion today. And it’s, it’s really all about as you say, why we need to be connected, why we need to be aware and in tune with our pelvis. So as a physical therapist, we can all agree that yes, we need to be in tune with that area. Everyone has a pelvis, everyone has that musculature and, and the functions of but coming from, I think your unique perspective of both physical therapist and coach and looking really beyond just the pelvic floor, which we should all be doing anyway. So, so give us your take on why we need to be connected.

Speaker 2 (07:25





Yeah. You know, I’ve seen in, in the realm of success, leadership, entrepreneurship anybody who’s, who’s type a you know, th there’s a lot of overthinking long to do lists. There’s a lot of being up in our head, you know, w where do we go next? And I say, we, because this, you know, I’ve, you’re only a great teacher if you’ve been there yourself, right. And, and are still in the depths of it. And so, you know, we th there’s lots, that’s constantly swirling up in our head, but we also know, and, and, you know, a variety of different resource research sources have shown us this, that we can’t access all of the solutions to our biggest professional, personal life challenges. If we’re in constant thinking mode all day long, not to mention, you know, roughly 80% of all thoughts are habitually negative, which is not very helpful for solving problems. And so the reason that I am so drawn to what I call, you know, well, it’s not just me calling it a core confidence and getting people specifically into their pelvis and back into their body is, is reducing the overthinking so that we can access again, creativity, focus, productivity, you know, improved, sleep, stress, relieving, you know, hormone responses. You know, I could, I could go on and on.

Speaker 1 (09:01





Yeah. And so you brought up the, the the words, core confidence. So can you explain what, what does that mean? Because I have a feeling it may mean a couple of different things to a couple of different people, but in the work that you do in helping people become more productive, improve their leadership, improve their life, what does that, what does core confidence?

Speaker 2 (09:28





Yeah. I love how you said that, you know, it means something to, there’s lots of different ways to describe it in there. There really is. You know, to me, and also the, the clients that I’ve worked with for many, many years now, it means freedom. It means expansiveness. It means seeking joy. It means effectively, you know, being effective at what they do. Meanings means also having more energy core confidence really is being able to go within yourself and access that wellspring of inner wisdom really access your, your yes or no. And a lot of times, and this is, this is actually comes from, from those in the research field. Core confidence also is a mixture of self-efficacy of hope of optimism and resilience. External confidence. I don’t think we should be talking about core confidence without also touching on external confidence and external confidence is what the majority of us learn to, to seek after.

Speaker 2 (10:43





And we’re constantly seeking after it. The external confidence is, you know, does dr. [inaudible] Like me, or, you know, what I should be doing right now, or, you know, these are the, the, the dreams that, that others are doing. So this marketing strategy has worked for them. This app has worked for them, let me do this, let me, you know, follow this meal plan. And so, you know, we’re constantly as humans chasing others, things that have worked for them. And, and we’re very often, again, not realizing we’re up in our head and we’re not really checking in with the, the little voice that’s like, that’s kind of a waste of time.

Speaker 1 (11:32





Yeah, totally. I, I always find that it’s so much easier to look for that external validation and get our confidence from that external validation, then what we do than what we think we are doing. Does that make sense? Solutely yeah, so I, I mean, and, and we’re all human and all humans fall into that trap. So can you kind of give us an example of how you might work with someone to help develop this core confidence and help to bring in more joy and help get them a little more grounded into themselves? Are there any sort of exercises or things that you do with people that you can give this as an example? Yeah,

Speaker 2 (12:15





That’s a, that’s a great you know, I I’d say one of the main tips that I, that is probably ended up being my, my signature Sarah move,uhas been really, you know, so listening to somebody, I really love deep listening. I mean, I think when you start listening to someone, at least for me, I don’t know this is, this is, h gift that I have is I start reading between the lines. Umnd actually I’m kind of diverting for a moment. A lot of times when I work with people, I don’t do it over zoom. We don’t do video. Umecause when you look somebody in the eye, sometimes it’s hard to be a hundred percent truthful, you know, or again, you kind of fall into the, the external competence trap. Umnd so we do it all over the phone or, you know, with the video off so that I can really deeply listen.

Speaker 2 (13:09





And what I’ll do is, you know, if there’s a belief in there for example, I was working with somebody the other day and she shared, you know, while we were talking about her personal life. And and she was like, you know, if I kind of keep having these, these, if I close the door on this relationship, I’m probably actually going to have to do a lot of hard work on myself to pick up the pieces. And what I asked her was, well, well, is that true? That working on yourself has to be hard.

Speaker 1 (13:47





And when

Speaker 2 (13:47





We, I call it, like, we’ve got to, we’ve got to go. I like going down the rabbit hole with somebody of like, really being like, why, why are we fearful about this? Like, let’s, let’s talk about it. Let’s get to the root and let’s shine the light on what, what the narrative is with this overthinking piece. Once we shine the light on it, half of the work is done because we’ve brought in awareness. And whenever you bring in awareness works time.

Speaker 1 (14:18





Absolutely. Yeah. And it’s, it’s, you know, that you’re right. Being able to listen and listen well is a gift, but it’s also something luckily that can be practiced and can be worked upon as physical therapists. I think a lot of us, a lot of us are pretty good at listening. But when you work with, like you said, that chronic pain population, you really get, I think, a lot more in tune to what the person is saying. And you also learn how to ask those questions to draw out more thoughts.

Speaker 2 (14:54





Absolutely. Yes. And here’s the interesting thing that I’ve found. Okay. and, and I, a lot of this comes from like archetypes and youngian psychology is we have different aspects of our, of our psyche and of our personalities. Right. And a lot of times what you’ll find is we learn these skills, we practice these skills professionally, but when it comes to the, behind the scenes for ourselves, we’re almost like different people. I had a client the other day, you know, she is a director and has, has a large, very well-known board behind her. And and she’s like, you know, if the board was to be a fly on the wall and kind of experience my personal life, they they’d be like what, you’re not even the same person. Because suddenly things become matters of the heart. They’re no longer again, the, the head, you know, so professionally relating people through this very well yet, we’re not really sometimes having that, that advisor, that best friend, that we didn’t even know we needed behind the scenes to help us hash out our own stumbling blocks. And that’s where I think in, in leadership and entrepreneurship and being a CEO of, you know, your business and your life and trying to be healthy, wealthy, and smart, I think that’s, we need that now.

Speaker 1 (16:22





And why do you think that’s so hard

Speaker 2 (16:24






Speaker 1 (16:27





To confide in others of, you know, it’s, it’s a lot easier to say, Oh, you know, I, I didn’t have any new patients this month. So, you know, I really w what do you think, how can I help? How can I get more patients? That’s easy, right. To talk about our business and, and to talk about our our professional life. But why do you think it’s so hard for people to confide in others on a more personal level?

Speaker 2 (16:55





Hmm. I love this question. I really love it. Of course, I’m sure it’s very multifactorial. I find that I don’t, you know, I don’t have any research on this, but I find that if you start looking back even into it and not like massively, but you start looking back into childhood, you know, where a lot of habitual patterns are formed and thought patterns are formed. A lot of times you’ll see, you’ll see trends there, but, you know, one vein of research shows that about half of all CEOs, those at the top are experiencing loneliness and loneliness in the sense that, you know, there has to be a level of healthy ego and confidence, right? B core confidence or confidence in order to want to succeed. You know, all sorts of people are teaching us out there and showing us that, you know, you gotta have some grit, you gotta have some resiliency if you wanna play this game.

Speaker 2 (18:01





And it is a game. And so, you know, there there’s factors of like, you can’t trust everyone, right. If you have team members underneath of you traditionally that’s really changing, I think, but traditionally we’re taught, you know, you don’t mix business and personal life. You don’t do that. That’s a no, no. Now you’ll see that changing. And that’s continuing to change because you know, many psychologists are beginning to study really resiliency and entrepreneurship and, and understanding more specifically how they’re tied together, because it’s, th that’s really just a new field of, of understanding. He can’t trust people, you know, and I think many have experienced, again, maybe it was in the past or more recently you know, you do share some of those personal moments and it might come back to bite you or suddenly the, the inner critic and other thought thought in the brain comes up and says, Ooh, that was not a good idea. You’re probably that is going to backfire. You know, that could make you look weak. So I think it’s very multifactorial.

Speaker 1 (19:16





And I guess this is kind of where having someone, you know, outside of your direct business to have as a resource and to help you as a coach I guess I would, I’m assuming that that’s where coaching comes into play, because you can kind of be that person to sort of help with the personal and the professional, because I can only assume that they’re closely related.

Speaker 2 (19:44





Right. They are way more closely related than people realize. And your professional self that like the way you act professionally is often different than the way you act and your personal life. Like, can you, can you relate to that?

Speaker 1 (20:02





Yeah, of course. Okay.

Speaker 2 (20:05





And so, you know, cause I, I, yeah, same thing for me too, but I’m always interested, you know, in what, what somebody, his answer would be.

Speaker 1 (20:12





Yeah, no, there’s, there’s no question that, that we’re a little different in our personal life than in our professional life. And, you know, it’s funny to say, because I was having thoughts around that yesterday. Because you know, we’re all human, right? Every once in a while, like we screw something up, we say something we didn’t want to say we regretted afterwards. And yet you’re vilified for being a human being. You’re vilified for saying something that, yeah, like maybe what you said, wasn’t the best thing to say, but you take ownership over it. You say, Hey, listen. Like, yeah. I mean, I, you know, I let my emotions get the best of me, which never ever happens in my professional life. Right. Right. In my professional life never happens. And yet all of a sudden you’re demoted in the eyes of so many people, but all you did was you were just a human being and you said something, or you wrote something that you later like, ah, I can’t believe I did that. And because it’s not a podcast, we can’t go back and edit it out. So I think that there is this, this weird kind of, if you start to melt the two together, you’re going to be screwed.

Speaker 2 (21:33





Yeah. It’s a way or another, it’s a belief. Absolutely. And I think that we need guidance to blend them appropriately, you know, because the answer is not, well, you’ll see this as a marketing strategy now. Right. Where it’s like, okay, show the behind the scenes and show yourself and be yourself and dah, dah, dah. Well, I think that there’s always a, a middle ground to all of that, that we need to be aiming for. And again, it has to feel true to you, you know, like you have to get back into a state of checking in with yourself and not checking in with the head and the thoughts of like, okay, is this an alignment for me? And so, you know, in a lot of cases when you’re blood, when you’re, I like drawing on the professional self, like let’s say, I might say, okay, what would professional dr.

Speaker 2 (22:23





Litzy do when we’re talking about something personal, because that’s how the, the, the two aspects of you can really start blending together and start working together as a team and be like an integrated, whole healthy, beautiful person, right. Uwho can stay true to your individual values? You know, we get to like explore what those individual values are and being true to those,uin, in order to make it work for us, I’ve ever really cool example of a client who,ushe’s in the hospital system and I’m pretty high up. And she was offered. We had been working for, I don’t know, probably three to six months or something we’d been, she had been, and we were mostly working in the personal field, you know, but of course the professional always, always blends in. And she had been offered this incredible opportunity to lead this team.

Speaker 2 (23:25





This was just in addition to her goals that she already professionally had for the year. And as she sat with that, and as I sat with that with her, she realized, you know, if this had been last year, I would have said yes to that. And I’m very flattered, but the truth is, is if I say yes to that, then all that I’m doing to take care of myself so that I can show up to meet my professional goals is actually going to be derailed. And so at that moment, it wasn’t in alignment for her. And what was even better about that was then she was able to go to her boss and to communicate that I call it like, you know, communicating from the core, but communicate that not from up in the head like, Oh, no, I wonder what I’m doing. I hope, you know, hope I’m not really screwing this up, communicating it with authenticity, with crowdedness, with strength, right. With empowerment. And, you know, her superior was like best decision you ever made. I really appreciate it. Really championed to her now, how awesome would that be if we could have more of that in our small businesses and in all of our workplaces and all of our organizations,

Speaker 1 (24:43





I mean, that’s an ideal situation when the ideal situation, but I think it’s hard when you’re constantly kind of seeking out success and seeking to be quote unquote the best at what you do and to get that recognition and to build your business and to make more money. So you can live the lifestyle that you want to live and provide for your family or your friends or whomever is in your, your world. But how does, how does making these decisions, like you said, these sort of more grounded decisions where, where they are emotional versus making these decisions as strictly like pros and cons, like an intellectual pro and con list, you know what I mean? So how do you, how do you coach people in that tug of war?

Speaker 2 (25:41





I hope I can answer the question of how do you coach people, because sometimes you just have to see it, you know, and experience it. But you know if you look, if you talk to anyone in the financial world, the stock market is emotional emotions drive everything. That’s true. Right. And you know, if we’re the faster, we’re aware of that, the more tapped in that, that we’re going to be. And so that’s actually, what’s happening is a, is a lot of times where we’re making these leadership decisions, we’re making these personal decisions when we’re in a state of emotion. And often when we’re, you know, emotions are coming from thoughts, right. You know, you know, the, the, the little wheel starts going and then suddenly, you know, we have these emotions with us. A lot of times you don’t even know what the sensation is in the body, because we’re, again, we’re kind of more of in the head.

Speaker 2 (26:36





And so when you can access, and what I do is often just really helping somebody with very challenging. Like I prefer the challenging situations, you know, where it’s like, okay, why do I keep getting into this relationship? Why do I keep not, you know, being able to climb the ladder? Why is it I can’t get, get know fit in the self-care pieces of it. And when we get to the root of it, a lot of times it’s because things are happening in an emotional realm. And we’ve got to be aware of that, go down the rabbit hole of the actual, like fear and worry. And why, like, why are we responding the way we’re responding? Why are we doing that? And then once you get to that, then you can actually get to the clarity piece where you get the clouds and the, you know, the fog out from your face. Right. You can go, okay, pro this con this dah, dah, dah, dah. Okay. Now I’ve got my marching orders go. And I, I don’t know about you, but I like marching orders. I like to know the next step.

Speaker 1 (27:37





Yeah, absolutely. And, and I think, you know, a lot of people who are in leadership positions or who are going out to be that entrepreneur, their dreams, like you are a type a person. I think you are a lot of just pros and cons. But I do think that the emotional segment of things does have to come into play because if your pros and cons from a very sort of robotic sense is, is okay, I guess, but then how is it going to make you feel, how is it going to affect your life? Are you going to be happy with your decision? Are you doing something because you feel pressure to do it because you have to do it, quote unquote. So I think being able to tap into that core confidence in that and your core values in order to help you make decisions is important. So it’s like, I don’t want to be on either pole, like purely emotional, purely cerebral, but you want to have, you want to be able to kind of get in there and go down that rabbit hole, which is not easy and takes a lot of self-awareness.

Speaker 2 (28:44





Yes, no, it does. And that’s why it usually takes a guide. Yeah, exactly. It really does. It takes a guide and you know, again, kind of that core confidence model that was not created by me, but having self-efficacy hope, optimism and resiliency, you know, these are things with, with a lot of difficult situations that, that our, our brain just has not been able to figure out the answer to. We tend to go down on the scale of those things, right? We’re not trusting ourselves efficacy. We’re not feeling very hopeful about it now, fascinatingly enough, you know, those that are fixers and types day and, and, and leaders if we can’t fix something, if we don’t know the solution to it, we’re going to avoid it

Speaker 1 (29:25





Totally a hundred percent. So it was easier and it’s so much easier.

Speaker 2 (29:30





We are to, to help and to show up for others and to fix the things that we know we can fix. And so again, then you see an imbalance and often times it’s with the most challenging things that dealing with, again, personally, or professionally that we don’t want to talk about. One of my clients, the other day was sharing,uyou know, this situation just resolved, but she was like, you know, I have been sitting on this,uspace like this, this land and space for the last 10 years. And I didn’t know what to do with it. Now, when we got to the root of it, it was actually extremely emotional because she’s in a family owned business. And it was something that a family member prior to her set up and, you know, really loved. And so it, it, it, it was way too. She couldn’t make the decision because of the emotions connected with it. Uyou know, but she was like, I’ve been sitting on this forever and just avoiding it because I don’t know what to do. So I can think of 50,000 other things to spend my time doing. You know, you can fix the kids, you can fix your friends, you can bring it into your professional career. And then meanwhile, some of the, you know, the other aspects are, are, are missing.

Speaker 1 (30:44





I know I, when I get into those, those bouts of, Oh God, I can, I like will. And it’s what I’m doing right now, which is why, when you said that you could do so, so many things to avoid. I’m like redoing my bookshelves, I’m doing some shredding of papers. I’m like crazy with the home edit. And now everything’s in a rainbow, you know, I’ve got a lot of plastic bins hanging out everywhere. That’s what I do when I’m trying to like, avoid looking at deeply at other things, you know? So that’s what I’ve been doing for the past couple of weeks is I have been like cleaning out. Like my doorman was like, are you moving? I was like, Nope, not moving. Just, just finding stuff to do around the apartment.

Speaker 2 (31:30





Exactly. Just being a great, you know, leader in the liver of life.

Speaker 1 (31:35





Yeah, exactly. Cause I’m like, well, you know, if you come home to a nice clean apartment, it’s better for your head. You can concentrate more when, you know, I probably need to go dig a little deeper and see, why am I doing all of this? And I know it’s not just from watching the home edit, although it’s a nice show. I’m sure it goes a little deeper.

Speaker 2 (31:56





Well, it does, you know, and I’m glad you brought that up, you know, your, your personal situation, because I think that that helps all of us so much, you know, it’s always nice to know when we’re not alone. Right. And but you know, one of the biggest things that I’ve found in doing this work for as long as I have is people say to me, yeah. You know, I just, you know, everything you do sounds really great. Like that sounds awesome. It sounds like it really be helpful for me. And like, I don’t really think I will, but I don’t really think I want to go there. Uand we think, again, we think it’s going to be hard, right? Like I was mentioning the client, the client earlier,u

Speaker 3 (32:40





I have found that,

Speaker 2 (32:44





And I think this is just my personality, but it’s like, we got to make this fun and we gotta make this. Or action-oriented we kinda got to get the show on the road. So it’s like, you know, again, if, if we’re, if we’re trying to leave a legacy, if you’re trying to, you know, be productive and not give up on the idea that we have, you know, have success, then we are in a state in our country and in the world where, where we, we, yes, we can all, you know, afford to sit down on the couch with the weighted blanket and the wine and the ice cream, you know, but, but I just don’t believe that, that we can afford too much of that anymore. I really don’t, you know, like I, I need, I really feel so strongly that like, I need everybody to be functioning at a high level and it, it can be fun.

Speaker 2 (33:40





It doesn’t have to be like, Oh gosh, I’m, I’m, doesn’t have to be so stressful. Yeah. Or like annoying, you know what I mean? Like, nobody really wants to like, look at themselves and see their shortcomings. And it’s not about that. Like anybody that’s trying to tell you it’s about that. Th that’s probably just perfectionist behavior showing up. It’s not about that. It’s about like, you’ve got to tap into your greatness. And when I say your greatness, meaning like just our essence, like our purpose of being here on earth, like something greater than ourselves, we’ve got to tap into that. We’ve gotten away from that. You know, that, that radical act of self-love that that’s not just let me go draw a bubble bath. You know, that that is radically like, you know, we’re all beautiful and we’re here to share something great.

Speaker 2 (34:37





One of the, one of the most upsetting thing, NGS, m don’t know if you’ve ever experienced this, but, you know, as a physical therapist, when somebody has, host a limb or their pelvic floor is not working and they’re upset with, you know, they have prolapse and they’re like, Ugh, Ugh, this uterus, or, you know, gosh, my arm just looks awful. Now that pains me to my soul because I’m like, Oh, you know, like, gosh, your body has done so many miraculous things. I understand. And I empathize why you feel that way, but it, it makes me sad. And one of the things that has made me sad and being, you know, an advisor and a best friend to, you know, leaders who didn’t even know if they needed that. Um,e of the things that makes me sad is when somebody comes to me and they’re willing to just for a second share, I don’t know if I can keep doing this anymore.

Speaker 2 (35:35





I’ve thought about just giving it all up and going back to a simpler way of life and the same sort of thing. It makes me sad. Cause it’s like, no, no, no, no, no, we don’t. We don’t have to do that. Like, you know, you, we don’t have to, we just have to find some balance, right? Like you said, we don’t need to be on one extreme. We don’t need to be on the other extreme. We need to be somewhere in the middle and finding that is like super, super small finite changes. It’s not the giant crazy things that changes that we like to make in our lives that we, you know, we think are going to be the solution. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (36:10





I, I agree a hundred percent. And I think on that note, because I could keep talking about this all day. It’s sadly, I don’t know if the listeners want to listen to it all day. I’ll do. I think they might. But I feel like we could keep going on and on here. But that being said before we wrap things up, just a couple of other things, number one, what, what are some of the big takeaways, or if there’s one in particular takeaway that you want the listeners to leave this conversation with?

Speaker 4 (36:46






Speaker 2 (36:47





I wasn’t prepared for that. Dr. Lindsay. There is what I would say. The big takeaway that I really hope everybody understands is that when we get out of our head a little more often and start listening to the messages of the body, start listening to the messages of within then we really activate that core confidence. We step into a more effective way of leading and living and that’s available to everybody and it’s time to take it. Beautiful.

Speaker 1 (37:26





That’s a beautiful takeaway. Now you’re welcome. And then of course, the last question that I ask everyone is knowing where you are now in your life and in your career, what advice would you give to yourself right out of PT school, a newbie.

Speaker 2 (37:42





Ooh. Oh, this is, this is a fun one. So when I was in PT school, I knew PT was going to be a jump jumping off point for me. Ubut I, I didn’t feel confident in that. And so honestly, what I would have said to myself then is, you know, yeah, you’re a little bit of a fish.

Speaker 1 (38:06





Yeah. You’re doing things a little bit differently

Speaker 2 (38:08





And it’s okay. Just own, own your worst, keeping you which I’m sure I’ve always been doing, you know, but, but really telling myself that and gifting that to myself, that it’s okay. It all starts lining up just one step at one step at a time.

Speaker 1 (38:25





Awesome. And where can people find you? So social media or what’s the best way? Yeah. So the best to get in touch with you,

Speaker 2 (38:36





There are just so many ways to get, to get in touch with me. Of course social media let’s see Facebook and Instagram is dr. Sarah Smith official. I’m also on LinkedIn, dr. Sarah Smith. It is Sara without an H. Usually people always are putting an H on my name, which is like,

Speaker 1 (38:52





Denise is a Sara without an H. So I am very well aware of it.

Speaker 2 (38:56





Thank you. And then www dot dr. Sara, D R dr. Sarah awesome. And website.

Speaker 1 (39:06





Perfect. And we will have all of those links up at the podcast website podcast at healthy, wealthy, under this episode. And you saw, you also have an activate core confidence workbook that dr. Sara has so generously given as a free gift. So if you go to dr. Sarah hyphen confidence, did I get it right? You did. Perfect. And again, that will also be in the show notes, if you want your free gift from dr. Sarah, which is very generous. Thank you very much for all of the listeners, go and grab it from the show notes. So Sarah, thanks so much. Like I said, I could talk about this forever. It’ll turn into a therapy session and that’s not what you’re doing here. I will not take advantage of you in that way.

Speaker 2 (39:57





We can, we can do it at that.

Speaker 1 (40:03





Thank you so much for coming on and sharing all of your knowledge. I appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (40:07





Oh, you’re so welcome. Thank you for having me.

Speaker 1 (40:09





Of course. And everyone listening. Thanks so much. Have a great couple of days and stay healthy, wealthy and smart.

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