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In this episode, Sports Physiotherapist and Researcher, Loïc Bel, talks about his experience as an up-and-coming sports physiotherapist and researcher in the industry.

Today, Loïc talks about complexity and uncertainty, clinical work and mental health, and the importance of having a team around the patient. How does Loïc deal with imposter syndrome?

Hear about Loïc’s experience in Monaco, why he decided to keep getting more degrees, his thoughts on Physiotherapy Associations, and get Loïc’s valuable advice, all on today’s episode of The Healthy, Wealthy & Smart Podcast.


Key Takeaways

  • “You can’t just use one factor to influence the whole situation. You have to accept the complexity. You can’t control everything.”
  • “Nobody puts the bad stuff up on social media. It’s only all the successes.”
  • “To be successful, we have to fail.”
  • “Sports and physical activity as a whole is one of, if not the best, tool for health.”
  • “As health professionals, we have to think about what we do, because it has a cost on society.”
  • “Knowledge a collective thing.”
  • “Don’t give up and don’t blame yourself.”
  • “If you believe in your profession, try to get involved.”
  • “Communication is everything.”
  • “Try to ask yourself more questions. Don’t think that everything you learn is true, even at school. Question things a lot more.”


More about Loïc Bel

Untitled-design-150x150Loïc Bel is a physiotherapist since 2.5 years ago. He graduated with a Bachelor degree in physiotherapy in Switzerland and is now in the last semester of his Master Degree in sports physiotherapy, also in Switzerland.

He currently works in an outpatient clinic in a small city in Switzerland for 3 days a week, and during the other 2 days, he studies in Bern towards his Masters degree.

He is currently involved in the ‘Commission for the Promotion of Physiotherapy’, that is a branch of his regional physiotherapy association. He is also a board member of ‘Le Réseau’ – which can be translated as ‘The Network’, which is an association that aims to connect health professionals working in sports and other professions that promote health through physical activity.

On an international level, he currently is a board member of ‘Long COVID Physio’ as an education co-director.

A recently big achievement was the publication of his first paper with his friends and colleagues, Vincent Ducrest, Nicolas Mathieu, and Mario Bizzini. The paper was about injury prevention in sports related to performance. Injury prevention is a subject that he tries to develop an expertise in, and he really fell down the rabbit-hole during his Bachelor graduation work that developed into that paper.

His professional goals are to end his Master Degree in the first place. An ongoing project right now is to find funding to start a PhD on the subject of injury prevention.


Suggested Keywords

Healthy, Wealthy, Smart, Healthcare, Physiotherapy, Injury Prevention, Sports, Exercise, Research, Knowledge, Education, Mental Health,


Read the paper:

Lower Limb Exercise-Based Injury Prevention Programs Are Effective in Improving Sprint Speed, Jumping, Agility and Balance: an Umbrella Review




To learn more, follow Loïc at:

LinkedIn:         Loïc Bel



Twitter:            @bel_loic




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Welcome to the healthy, wealthy and smart podcast. Each week we interview the best and brightest in physical therapy, wellness and entrepreneurship. We give you cutting edge information you need to live your best life healthy, wealthy and smart. The information in this podcast is for entertainment purposes only and should not be used as personalized medical advice. And now, here’s your host, Dr. Karen Litzy.



Hey everybody, welcome back to the podcast. I am your host Karen Litzy. And today’s episode is brought to you by Net Health. So when it comes to boosting your clinics, online visibility, reputation and increasing referrals, Net Health Digital Marketing Solutions has the tools you need to beat the competition. They know you want your clinic to get found get chosen and definitely get those five star reviews on Google. They have a new offer. If you sign up complete a marketing audit to learn how digital marketing solutions can help the clinic when they will buy lunch for your office. If you’re already using Net Health private practice EMR, be sure to ask about its new integration, head over to net forward slash li T z y to sign up for your complimentary marketing audit today. Alright, so a big thanks to Net Health now on to today’s podcast. So my guest today is like Bell. He’s a physio therapist since two and a half years ago, he graduated with a Bachelor degree in physiotherapy in Switzerland and is now in his last semester of his master’s degree in sports physiotherapy, also in Switzerland. He currently works in an outpatient clinic in a small city in Switzerland for three days a week. And during the other two days he studies in Bern towards his master’s degree. He is currently involved in the commission for their promotion of physiotherapy, that is a branch of his regional physiotherapy Association. He is also a board member of labor. So and I’m sure I butchered that, which can be translated as the network which is an association that aims to connect health professionals working in sports and other professions that promote health through physical activity. on an international level. He is currently a board member of long COVID physio as an education co director. Our recently big achievement was the publication of his first paper with his friends and colleagues, Vincent Newcrest, Nicholas Matho, and Mario Barzini. We talked about that paper in this interview, and it was about injury prevention in sports related to performance. Injury Prevention is a subject that he tries to develop an expertise in and he really fell down the rabbit hole during his bachelor graduation work that developed into that paper. His professional goals are to end his master degree in the first place. An ongoing project right now is to find funding to start a PhD on the subject of injury prevention. And in today’s episode, we talk about a little bit more about the IOC conference that was back in November. And also we talk about clinical uncertainty, mental health of new graduate physio therapists dealing with imposter syndrome, and the importance of our physiotherapy association. So a big thank you to Luke for coming onto the podcast and being so open and honest and sharing his experience as a newer graduate in the physiotherapy field.



Hey, Lloyd, welcome to the podcast. I’m so happy to have you on and it’s so nice seeing you again after it’s been a couple of months since we met in Monaco. So welcome. Yeah, thanks for having me. I’m really happy to be to be here enough time to. Yeah, and I’m, I’m so excited to have you on to talk about.



We’ll talk a little bit about your experience in Monaco and your big takeaways from that and tell me your what what you thought and what your takeaways were. Yeah, it was it was a last minute chose to go to Monaco. And, and don’t forget that actually.



It was the second big Congress for me. So it was a bit of euphoria. I went to Geneva when there was the World Congress to So second bit Congress on sports physios. So kind of specialization I’m doing right now. And it was it was bigger than I thought it would be actually. And it was really hard to do some take home, because there was so many things to, to take with so many new ideas, maybe so many new ideas about all ideas that were totally deconstructed. So that was a goal of mine to go in. And be like, Yeah, I want to unlearn what I what I had learned during school and during my students. And I know we discussed it together quite quite some time about the takeaway. So there was one word that came a lot during the Congress. I think it was the context, context matters. So you can have



The best exercise you can have the best the best plan you can have the best program you want. If people don’t do it on buying it’s, it won’t matter much, actually.



I think one big thing is that maybe we don’t know, as much as we think we did. It discussed it with a smart non on a recent Muscats podcast to



lots of talk, discussed some things that we thought we knew. And maybe they don’t work as planned, or they don’t work



in the nation an efficient way, like we started did. And it was a great, great symposium on the complexity, like everything interacts, you can’t just use one factor to to influence the whole situation you have to you have you have to accept the complexity, you can’t control everything. And, and yeah, you go home and you don’t really know what to do anymore. You don’t really know if if you did things right, you don’t really know if you will do things, right. So that’s kind of the takeaway I took from like for me.



Yeah, and I would agree, I left like God, I feel like I don’t know anything and stuff that I didn’t know, I had now have to sort of deprogram myself to



reprogram with new information and new research, which, I mean, if you asked me that’s a sign of a good conference. Yeah, I said the same. If I, I’d be pretty, pretty sad to go to a conference and go with only a big confirmation bias, you know, like, Okay, I did everything right. That’s fine. So it’s a good thing. Yeah. Like you learn something, if you unlearned things. So yeah, it was great.



Yeah, I agree. And let’s, let’s kind of dive into this idea of complexity in practice. Right. So like you said, there’s so much more to an injury than just the injury, right? So if someone has an ACL injury, it’s more than just the physical rupture of an ACL and then knee. So can you talk a little bit more about complexity in practice, whether it be your personal experience?



And and how you tolerate that uncertainty in the clinic? I mean, if if we speak about Monaco, the big thing was when when you come home is Watson, how do I apply the things I learned? And what I feel like when I when I go to Congress is or to any symposium that speak about research, I’m always like, Yeah, but in research, we control so many things. We want to control the most things we can to better understand the mechanism. And then you arrive in practice, and it’s the chaos. You can’t control everything you’ve gone through in research.



I have a pretty young conditions, I ended school like two and a half years ago. And every time I discussed the topic with some more experienced clinicians, they always answer with the Yeah, experience helps.



Yeah, but what do you do when you don’t have, you don’t have that much experience, you have to build some. So you try to rely on research, you tried to, to you try your things, basically, you have some tools, try to use your tools.



That gives you some idea when you try what should be best practice in research. But sometimes it doesn’t work as planned, and you have to deal with it. So you try to adapt. You try to modify things a bit. And you have to go with intuition sometimes. And



yeah, it can be a hard feeling to deal with. I mean,



I tweeted like, a few weeks ago about that, because I had a rough day, I really have a rough day. Like I had three patients, it didn’t go as planned. We had to go back to the search, and we had to discuss things. And it’s really exhausting. I feel like to come home and nothing worked as planned. You go like with 1214 patients a day. And this tree will stay on your mind like the whole evening the whole evening. You don’t know you’re just thinking about how could I help? What’s next try to plan for you and for them.



Yeah, I don’t know we can you can deal with it. You have to acknowledge that it can happen. And you have to. Sometimes you have to take a step back and be like, yeah, what did I do? Did I do something wrong? Or not? Because maybe you did nothing wrong actually. And how could I figure out a new strategy to to advance and do better? Yeah,



It sounds to me, like what you do when you have those days, and we all have them where you’re like, I’m a loser, like, I can’t help anyone, no one’s getting better, what am I doing? But that instead of going back and sort of wallowing in it for the whole night, I think you can wallow for a little. But it sounds to me like what you do is you kind of reflect on that re reassess how you did things, and really look at what can I do differently? I don’t want to say better, but what can I do differently. And if it’s something, then you always have another time to try. And if it’s, you know, I think that I did what was appropriate, then maybe it’s let’s go in and have a deeper conversation with this patient, you know, let’s see what other part of this complex person in their ecosystem will allow us to move forward. So that’s what I got from what you just said that you really take that time to kind of reflect, reassess, and then move in the next day, or the next time you see them. So they agree, and complexities are also about how it works with the with the other colleagues to other professions around the patient. So you have to reach out for other people, you have to discuss things with them. And you have to you have to explain what you did you have to, to also be confident about what you did. And and that’s that can be quite confronting to, to do. So. Yeah.



Many things to deal with. But in the end, you have to go forward and keep on keep going.



Absolutely. And you know, as a newer ish grad,



you know, you kind of



knowing what you don’t know. And maybe knowing what you do know, how do you sort of keep putting one foot in front of the other because I’m assuming imposter syndrome may come up



every once in a while. So what do you do to keep moving forward? And maybe what advice can you give to let’s say, a new graduate that’s graduating tomorrow, given the experience that you have over the past couple years?



You’re right, it happens from time to time. And and I mean, social media don’t don’t help with that. I think, as a whole, yes. Because there are lots of success story. There are not much stories about failure. Well, I mean, here’s the thing. No, nobody, nobody puts the bad stuff up on social media. It’s only All successes, right? So you have to take that step back and be like, yeah, maybe maybe they fail to. And to come back to Monaco, there was a great great one. That was about the biggest mistakes. So did a motor compress was something about learn from our biggest mistakes. So it was with Yvette for Heigen Carolyn, a bullying Caroline Emery to.



And I think it was great to have like to be in a Congress with what you can call like, a camera like her from speakers in the world about injury prevention, and, and, and hear them like, we failed. But we kept on moving. We kept on trying. And we did really, really better and we try every day to do better. So it was one good thing is that for once there was there were people that acknowledge that they failed, but they kept on going in and it was it was yeah, they deal with things with the tools they had at that moment and that you can’t have everyday data you you want at every moment. So you have to try. And another thing I’d say is that personally, I try to really reflect and reflect on on on what I don’t know I try to Yeah, we can speak a lot about metacognition and and identify your knowledge identify your lack of knowledge in some in some topics, so I try to identify my weaknesses. And then I try to read because I can’t just be with patients 24/7 So I have to read about them and and and try



that said so I said I see the things



there’s a quote I like that that say what I believe is a process rather than a finality. I don’t know who Who is this this from but I like it a lot like you have it never stops you have to keep on moving don’t stay like in a stone try to tie traveled. Yeah, and that’s how I said things. Yeah, and I I missed that talk at Monaco. Now, I really wish I went to it on the



You know, yes, we failed at these things, learn from our mistakes. And I would argue that the most successful people in the world have failed more times than they’ve been successful. Right? Because they’re taking chances. They’re putting themselves out there and, and they’re making mistakes, learning from them and then pushing forward, which can be your stepping stone to success. Yeah, I’m a pretty firm believer that to, to be successful, you have to fail. Because if you just have success, I mean, first of all, it’s not realistic. But I feel like if there was only on the success, and you couldn’t fail,



you’d stop working. You don’t anything to do anymore. You. You’re not on this planet. So yeah, I think that’s you. But every, every failure you have is a small break towards the Big House of success. Basically.



I couldn’t agree more. And you know, in talking about all of this, you know, we’re talking about failures and imposter syndrome and not knowing, and you’re in a clinical setting, you’re working with people. With all of that on your mind, it can certainly take a toll on your on mental health as a clinician. So what what do you do? Or what advice do you have when it comes to that clinical work? And mental health? Your own mental health?



Yeah, so I feel like we have a really demanding job, from a psychological perspective, because like I said, sometimes you fail, you have that bad day, and you come home, and you’re like, Yeah, rethink, everything is worthless. So you have to do to overcome that. And with that, you have to, to add all the pressure about knowing things, because patients want answer answers. So you have to know things, you’re the professional they want, they want to know, as sometimes you don’t.



Now to, to put less pressure on me, I am honest with the patient, when I don’t know, at the beginning, during my internships, I was always trying to find the right answer. And sometimes I didn’t have it. And I try to find the thing to say. And now I feel like yeah, it was really unethical. First of all, and



no idea, say, I don’t know, but we’ll try to figure it out, basically. And one phrase I do, I do say a lot, when situations are complicated is that we’ll try to improve the best we can. But I don’t know until when we can, until what level we can improve, we’ll figure it out. But maybe it will be only only a small portion and, and you’ll have to try other things and physiotherapy.



And basically, you have to take care of your mental health and health professional for that. So I’m not ashamed to say that I wanted to psychologist and I discussed this topic, too. I didn’t go for that. But I discussed it because it was really taking a toll sometimes my on my health. And now I learned to take a step back to be honest with the situation and discuss



discussing with patients and be open to criticism from patients to isolate them, you can tell me if if something isn’t right, will change what we do. Finding yourself and being confident enough in yourself to say I don’t know, is very, very beneficial for everyone involved, because you don’t want to make something up.



Right. So if you don’t know, I think what you said, you know, I don’t know, but let’s figure this out together. I’ll look up some research, we’ll figure this out. And if we can’t figure it out, then I think it goes into another topic that you wanted to cover. And that’s having this sort of entourage around the patient. Right? Because it’s not your the two of you aren’t on an island together, and there’s no one else around, hopefully.



So can you talk a little bit about the importance of that, that team or that entourage around the patient? Yeah. So I think that I’m really lucky because



I met some awesome people in Switzerland during my studies and when I went to congresses,



I can mention someone It’s Susan God that was in Monaco too.



She she’s she’s helping me on a daily basis. Basically. I’m often writing to her and and some other colleagues, some of the friends and colleagues that are my age we try to we try to figure out stuff together too.



I think



we are in a profession where



You can’t have all the knowledge and some people already belt, some strong knowledge on some specific topic. So when I have a situation, for example, with Suzanne from with the shoulders, I write to her, because she’s the experts in my, in my network, she’s the expert on shoulder, so I don’t hesitate to, to to write her to ask the patient if I can take, for example a video of or picture of the problematic I have. And I asked, I tried this, I tried that I have this situation right now. It’s not have evolving, it’s yeah, it’s it’s staying the same. We don’t find a way to, to overcome the situation. What do you think about it, and then we discuss it and, and sometimes she she has some really great things that I never would have thought about. And I do the same with with friends.



I have some friends with my part time studies. They have the same problem as me. Sometimes they write to me and I try to help sometimes they do say I do thing with them. And sometimes nothing comes out from it. But at least we tried. And



and yeah, I try to do the best with the tools I have right now. And I feel like they are getting sharper every month, every year. But right now, yeah, it’s not the best strain to get the tree with the knife the moment sometimes so. So yeah, it’s gonna get better.



So what made motivates you to kind of to keep going and keep learning and keep sharpening those tools?



Right now, I think that’s the first thing is that I want to help the people I work with, I don’t I don’t often tell the term patient. I think I work with people not with patient, they’re productive. So yeah, I want to help them. So that’s, that’s one of the reason. And the other reason is that I don’t like not know, to not know. So big. So I’m really curious. And I want to know, and yeah, again, you have to cope with not knowing but but I try to dig it always a little deeper and try to understand the mechanism of what I do have of I don’t know, special battleship or stuff like that.



These are the two things, I’d say, drives me the most. And then I fell into sports physio. And I was like, yeah, it can be fun because I, I always liked sports. And I always did some. But it was also because I believe that sports and physical activity as a whole is one of the if not the best tool for health. And you have to understand what you do. I mean, we speak a lot about sickness size, about active therapy, you have to understand what you do. If you just give some exercises and you don’t know what consequences can be.



Again, it’s not the best gear you can provide. I feel like so I don’t I don’t like and it happens sometimes. But I don’t like when people go home and they and they come I don’t know, two days, three days after the treatment. And they tell me Yeah, I was feeling horrible for for two days. Because we because I did something that was too much volume or too intense. I don’t know. But yeah, basically, that’s it. And I feel like you have to be a Swiss knife, you have to add some tools to your toolbox. You have to add communication, for example. That’s that’s one that’s the most important tool in in relationship



with these people and, and personal experience, I feel like is a is a big driver, too. I feel I felt right when I went to the psychologist and I could discuss and I could communicate. So



understanding what it feels like yourself, drives me to do better for the people that come to. I think it’s it’s important.



Yeah, and I’m so happy that you said communication is I would say the communication is most important any relationship period. That’s true, whether that be personal professional, client patient, it is number one, and that that is a skill that can be learned. You know, there are books, there are classes that you can take on how to be a better communicator.



But I think it starts with knowing what you know, and being able to admit what you don’t know and learning more. So kind of everything that you said throughout this podcast, I think really comes down to that piece on communication and it’s huge. I’m so happy that you brought that up. And on that note, we’re going to take a quick break to hear from our sponsor and be right back with more



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Why move on to higher and higher degrees? Right? So for you, why do a master’s degree in Switzerland when a bachelor degree is enough here in the US? We had started with a bachelor’s, I went to a master’s. Now we’re at a doctorate level clinical doctorate. So why move forward through all of that when Hey, maybe if a bachelor’s is enough or a master’s was enough, why why keep pushing forward on the degrees? I think it’s a big topic in Switzerland too, because we have the other countries around us that all go to the master degree level, we are maybe one of the only country left in Europe that doesn’t ask for a master’s degree to be in the clinic, maybe I don’t know not the last bit. We’re not like in the best situation right now. And that’s that’s me. That’s me, critics from our colleagues and other students in PT school actually, to to that I wanted to go further. And some some told me that I wanted to prove that I was better than them, or that I wanted to be paid more, so I can be paid more. I can’t ask for more money, because I got a master’s degree. So these are not the reasons. But the main reasons from me with were like when I went into my internships, during my degree, I was really feeling clueless. And I felt like I didn’t have the tools to do anything.



I was a big, big, big manual therapy for years. For three years at school until the I was lucky in the last year there was the Geneva Congress, the World Congress in Geneva, and I went to the to the conference from Peter Sullivan and Jeremy Lewis. And it really blew my mind. And I was like, that’s what I want to do. And it really changed my perspective on things. And I was like, Yeah, I want to upgrade my skills, I want to get a better understanding of everything. And, and that’s, that’s what drives me, it drove me in the first place.



provide the best care.



And I think you have to, like I said, to better understand that. And I feel like, as health professionals, we have to, we have to think about what we do, because it has a custom sort of site society, basically. And I was happy to go to that conference, because I realized what I what I participated in, when I was only providing passive, passive treatments. And now I think it’s like I have to participate in reducing the costs. I have, it can be by by encouraging people to move more it can be by maybe avoiding a surgery, you can you can have ACL conservative treatments, more and more, it becomes a big bigger trend than before. And that’s how I see things right now. And



one other things with the master degrees, that I like to research and you have to have a master degree to do research in Switzerland. So you I mean, you don’t have to, but it’s way easier with a master’s degree. And I always wanted to add my break to the brick house because I really liked doing my beach law, graduation work. And I think that knowledge is a collective thing I published with the with the colleagues of mine, Mario pizzini, the kilometer in France and UK recently the my first paper and I don’t feel like it’s only my paper. It’s like we did this. We did it us for and it’s only for people that come and add just a break to injury prevention and non subject so



that’s what I want to do. Basically I want to I want to add Matt, just my break. I don’t want to be remembered for it. But I want to help things move on and go further. And domestically. We can help me understand the research better and help me to understand how to conduct it’s basically so that was one of the reasons and



As, as a young clinician



research I rely a lot on.



And if we speak about the funnel model from



evidence based practice, you have best evidence on the top. You know, it’s better than me with the conference at that spot physio. So I think that’s that’s an agreement.



Research is at the top. Great. But if you can’t read research, you can’t use it. So that’s that’s one of the reasons.



Yeah, well, I think that’s a fabulous reason. And just so people know, we’ll have a link to the paper that you just mentioned in the show notes at podcast at healthy, wealthy, smart, calm. So we’ll have a link to that. Do you want to talk briefly about what give give the abstract, if you will, of that paper? That’s exciting. By the way, congratulations. Thank you. It was I worked on it during my master’s degree during two years, I didn’t think it would last this long to publish it. But we finally made it. But the idea was, was that



was that we thought that injury prevention programs for the for the lower limbs could improve performance. And the we evaluated that through a numpy review. And the logic behind it is that



we have a big utterance problem with these programs. So how could we improve the utterance and there was a talk, we can come back to Monaco, again, about never mentioned prevention, we only speak about performance, you know,



it’s it’s the main driver of sports, affiliate sports. And I’d say even off amateur sports, you want to you want to win. So how do you sell it to these guys and women’s? So elite athletes, athletes wanna want to be the best. So performance is a key things.



So it was the logic behind it. We want to we wanted to explore that. Does it affect performance, just by doing these programs? And we can say it has, it has an effect, it doesn’t have the best effect. I think



you better trend for performance than doing these warm ups, for example, if you want to improve performance,



but it’s, you can you can say that it could help. But I think more on on not much level, not knowledge level, it won’t be strong enough stimulus for them.



Excellent. Well, thank you for that quick, abstract, or quick synopsis of that paper. And again, it’ll be in the show notes for this podcast. Now.



As we start to kind of wrap things up, I’d love to talk a little bit more about physiotherapy association. So we have in the United States, the American Physical Therapy Association, we have world



confederation of physical therapy, which was that was hosted in Geneva a couple of years ago, I was there as well. Do you think they’re important? Do you think they serve a purpose? Or no,



I think they are a big key to, to promoting our profession. Actually, I don’t know how it is in other countries actually, with the with the contact with the public with maybe the politics too.



But they out. I mean, you can you can go and ask the politics and the public everything that you want. If you only one, it won’t work. If you come as a group, and with tons of people, maybe it will change things. And that can come back to to the master degree. Step. Two, we need people with an expertise to push the job. And that can be made through associations. We have to actually make the knowledge and then we have to do a diffusion of knowledge. And that’s a great way to help people we see so many things that are



pseudoscience on I don’t know a low back pain for example, that goes to the public maybe that’s if we could promote what we think is best care and what would help people it would it would be great and I think we have to do it as a group as an association, our gateway for that. And I’m on the I’m a board member of the local zoo that can be translated as the network



I’m one of our I’m one of the if not the youngest, and with the less experienced in the group but



we want to promote like physical activity for for health. We want to regroup every everyone you don’t have to be a physio but everyone working in sports in



In movements, and oh, by now and go and promote that for everyone. And



and I’m also on the commission for the promotion of physiotherapy,



in my region, Switzerland, so we do, we do some, some really versatile stuff. So we are going to public conferences for everyone to attend. So we want to disseminate knowledge in an understandable way for everyone. So we invite speakers, and they tried to keep it short and simple for everybody to understand. And we have some more professional conferences.



For example, we did one a year ago, a small workshop with Darren brown on long COVID. It was not really discussed at that moment. So I wanted to have people in Switzerland health professional,



better understand they had the occasion to discuss with Iran for like, nearly an hour. And



he answered every question, and I Big shout out to them. Because he He’s He’s amazing. Everything he does seem to push. Yeah. Everything it does. Yeah. I don’t have any words to describe him. Yeah, I don’t have amazing, but yeah, that’s the thing I think we have to do. And again, it’s about accumulating, and if diffusion, you have to accumulate the knowledge, you have to defer to big diffusion to concern people. And I couldn’t have done it without an association. And it’s rich, it’s stretched, maybe, I don’t know, 120 feet do



that could treat lung COVID patients better. And that wouldn’t just use exercise.



To try to to improve things, skirted codes, wasn’t everything. So it’s important to have that and it’s it offers a big platform to reach public your wants. So that’s why I think that you have you have to go in this association. You don’t have to agree with everything. I don’t agree with lots of things in the Swiss physical physiotherapy Association, and quite vocal about it. In my regional Association, I say that I don’t like lots of stuff. And I tried to make things move from the inside. Not always easy. But you have to try. But yeah, the problem with that is that I’m on the board with the Huizhou. I’m on the board with the promotion of physio, I’m I don’t do much to be honest. I’m on the board from long COVID physio to. And that’s can be tons of projects, actually.



With all the side projects with the clinic,



with my students who have to write my thesis, I only have a few months left, and I’m crawling compare workloads right now. But yeah, you have to deal with it. And that’s, that’s kind of the situation right now.



Yeah, I mean, I agree with you on Darren Brown. He’s outstanding. I interviewed him for the podcast about lawn COVID. And it was a wonderful interview. We’re going back and forth. And I finished I said, Do you have notes in front of you? He’s like, no, yeah. He’s like, That’s, like, yeah, I met him in Geneva, at the Indaba. Part was where everyone can come and just speak, and there were topics, didn’t have a clue on the topic. And it was like you everything.



And at the end, I discussed with him and I was like, yeah, do you know something on the topic? And he was like, no, no, I was just going with the flow and okay.






he’s just like that. He’s, he’s, he’s an awesome speaker is a wonderful person, and I can’t, I can say, Yeah, and it’s more about him. That’s only praises for him. I agree. I’m with you. I have 100% only praise for that man. And I think he’s, he is pretty remarkable. And what a great asset to the profession of physiotherapy. And he has that ability to disseminate information to the public very well. So he knows how to simplify things, not dumb them down, but simplify them to make the average person understand and that’s a very special skill. And I think he has it inherently so that he can sleep good. Yeah, it. Yeah, it’s a great skill to have. Okay, so now that we’re really wrapping things up here, what would you like for let’s say two or three times



takeaways of our conversation to be for, let’s say, younger physical physio therapists or even physiotherapy students that you can impart to them after being out in the world for the last two and a half years or so. Yeah, the first one I think would be



don’t give up. Could it be an advice? I don’t know. But don’t give up and don’t blame yourself could be a good one, I think



you have, I think that you have to deal with the situation with the tool you have at the moment you live it.



Sure, that’s now some situations I had like two and a half years ago, I would deal with them better right now. And some that I have right now, I will deal better with them in a few years. But you only have these tools in your toolbox right now. And try to do your best and don’t blame yourself you fit doesn’t go like you planned it would go if it doesn’t go like you would have liked to go.



You can you can fail then like we said it will help you change the way you do it the next times. And you’ll do better. Basically, that would be the first I think



with that with the mental health. So don’t blame yourself because don’t take a toll on it.



I think it’s important.



But to be a second ones.



Get involved. I think if you believe in your profession, if you believe in physiotherapy, if you believe in health movement communication, tried tried to get involved. You don’t have to do every project like like, I think I do, or like I think many people that came on that podcast do, I think you you should choose. Just quick on that. I think that maybe we have culture and physiotherapy where we think we have to accept everything. Don’t do it.



Better, choose the projects, better choose to and do it, do them greatly. And then choose eight and fed them. Choose your projects, but try to get involved. If you if you believe in it, try it, try it, it will be worth it, you will meet some awesome people, you will make some connections and it will be worth it in the end. Anyways. So I think there’s that and I think that’s that maybe



maybe to come back on that we should find a way to to propose these projects to young clinicians as at least into a salon. We don’t have anything to anything to get them involved. Maybe we should find a better way to propose the projects to to ask them. I think they have an I have a fresh vision on lots of things. And I think that’s one of the reasons why we should we should have younger clinicians come in and express themselves. Because we live in an era where things go really fast. And if we only have the same old people that do it for 50 years, maybe that won’t make it.



And let think I don’t know, actually, what would be the last thing? Do you have an idea?



I mean, I think what you said was great, the only thing I would just like to reiterate from this conversation. So the big thing that I took away is that communication is everything. And that really finding a mentor finding, like you said an entourage of people to help you sharpen those tools. Those are my big two takeaways from, from our discussion today. And finally, I always ask, but you probably just answered this, but I’ll ask it anyway, since I asked everybody is knowing where you are now, what advice would you give to yourself as a new grad? So not random? New Grad, but you yourself going back in time? What would you say to yourself? So as a new grad?



I’d say accept, say, say no to lots more things. I say that because sometimes I get really overwhelmed, overwhelmed with the things I do.



I think I would say that. And if I go back in time even more, maybe like in my first year of PT school, I’d say try to



try to ask yourself more questions.



Don’t think that everything you learn is true even at school.



Question things, lots more, even even if it’s teachers, even if it’s school, a question things, it’s not always the best, the best that you learn our school question lots of things.



Excellent advice. And now where can people find you if they want to follow you? They want to ask you questions they want to get in touch where’s the best place for them to reach you? It could be kind of on like on social media, where wherever is best for you. I think that Twitter is the best for everything physio related. You can go on what is it like Bell B, L underscore like, Oh, I see.



I think it’s the best way. Oh, by all by email, if you text me on Twitter, it’s my DMs are open. I think I can give you my email if you perfect problem. I think I don’t think we need to give give your email.



Yeah, well, we’ll we’ll stick we’ll stick to the Twitter app for now. So people can find you on Twitter, we’ll have a link to that. Well, I want to thank you so much for coming on the podcast and you know, as a newer ish grad, if you are indicative of others in the field. And I think the future of physical therapy is looking really bright. So I want to thank you for coming on and for sharing all this great information with us and your takeaways from Monaco and everything else in between. So thank you for the invitation. It was really great. It was fun. I had lots of fun, at least it’s got my pleasure. Good. That’s all I liked to hear my pleasure. And everyone. Thanks so much for listening, have a great couple of days and stay healthy, wealthy and smart. And a big thank you to Lloyd for being so honest and open with us about his experiences as a newer grad physio therapist and of course, thanks to Net Health. So again, they have a fun new offer if you sign up and complete a marketing audit to learn how digital marketing solutions can help your clinic when they will buy lunch for your office. Head over to net forward slash li tz y to sign up for your complimentary marketing audit today to get your clinics online visibility, reputation and referrals boosted



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